4. Rainbow Road

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"I already had to pick you up on your first day of school?" Jay's mom asked. "Let me guess. Park Sung-"

"Don't say his name," Jay sighed. "Can we just go home? Please?"

"That's where we're going. Even though you should be at school right now." She rolled her eyes. He tapped his fingers on the car door and she looked over at him. "Is something bothering you?"

He shook his head. "No. Just... no."


"Hey dad," Sunghoon said when he got home. He saw his dad grabbing his stuff and frowned. "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah. Only for a few days though. I'll be back."

He didn't say anything else and left, making Sunghoon sigh and sit on the couch. After a little bit, the front door opened and he looked up to see his boyfriend.

"Kangdae, my dad-"

"I know. I saw him leave."

Sunghoon smiled and stood up to walk over and kiss him.

"He'll be gone for a few days," he said, biting his lip. "You wanna stay until then?" Kangdae nodded and pushed him back onto the floor, making him giggle. "You're hot when you're rough and horny."


"No, I wanna be Koopa Troopa," Niki complained, about to take the Wii remote from Jungwon's hands to switch him to another character.

Jay was sitting on his bed, scrolling through Facebook on his computer while his two friends played Mario Kart. He saw a picture and tilted his head.

Heeseung, Jake, and Sunoo were together at the mall. Jake had tagged the two of them in the picture, but not Sunghoon.

It was weird. The four of them always hung out together.

Where's Sunghoon?

He rolled his eyes, annoyed by the fact that he was actually curious about Sunghoon.

But even so, he went to Jake's friend list to find Sunghoon. Yes, Jake was one of his Facebook friends. Let's just say they were friends when Jake moved to South Korea, but then he became friends with Sunghoon, and he kind of...

Drifted away from Jay.

Well he went to Sunghoon's profile, seeing the name of the boy's boyfriend, and went to his most recent pictures. There were multiple pictures of Sunghoon and this "Kangdae" person, which made Jay roll his eyes again.

This time it was because of the memory of what happened earlier in the day. He should've gotten over it by now. The two look so happy in the pictures.

Jay thought he was seriously just overreacting.

"Are you stalking Sunghoon's Facebook page?" Jungwon asked, Jay looking up to see that he was in 10th place while Niki was in 1st.

"It's none of your business, Brat."

"So you are stalking your enemy," Niki joined in and Jay hit him with a pillow, making him fall off the edge on Rainbow Road. "Oh! Fuck you, you-" he groaned and focused again to get himself back in first place while Jay was dying of laughter.

"Watch your language," he laughed, gasping when Niki flipped him off.

"Children, your food is done," Jay's mom said, walking past his bedroom and going to her room.

Jay sighed as he was an adult, but went downstairs to get food while his friends continued playing their game.

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