21. For "Us"?

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Date: December 20th

Yes, everybody would've thought that Sunghoon and Jay would be in a relationship right now, but that's not the case. They've been kind of awkward with each other since those confessions, and Sunghoon's been busy going to therapy and things like that.

Although, they do hang out when Sunghoon comes over to talk to Jay's mom. Sometimes they'll all eat dinner while the two of them talk, and Jay will hold Sunghoon's hand under the table to comfort him.

Jay's mom became very accepting of Sunghoon even though the whole feud happened. Well, Sunghoon was probably one of the sweetest boys she's ever met, so she grew to love him pretty quickly.

Anyway, Sunghoon's parents were going through a divorce. Yes, another horrible thing to happen to him, so he's been staying at Heeseung's house a lot lately.

"We're gonna go out to the car," Sunoo said as he dragged Niki, his new love interest, out.

Jay chuckled at them and saw Jungwon follow them out as their third wheel. Jake and Heeseung were going to this Christmas dance together as "friends", and Jay and Sunghoon...


Everybody else had a date, so Jay asked Sunghoon if he wanted to come with him.

"He's almost done," Heeseung smiled at Jay who was waiting in the foyer. "Hoon, hurry up!"

Instead of yelling back like normal, Sunghoon walked down the stairs, and Jay stared at him in awe. He was wearing a black, red, and white suit, his multicolored hair was styled beautifully, and he was still wearing a long boot on his leg that he was insecure about.

But Jay thought he looked charming.

"You dyed your hair blonde," Sunghoon's eyes widened as he limped to Jay. "It's nice."

"Do you like his makeup? I did it," Jake said, gesturing towards the makeup on Sunghoon's face.

"Yes." Jay giggled. "Should we go?"

They all nodded and went out to the car where the others were waiting, piling inside so Heeseung could drive them.

Apparently their school had enough money to rent the hall in a hotel out for this, and it was pretty fancy.

"Guys, I rented multiple rooms in case Heeseung gets drunk and can't drive all of us home," Jay said, fist bumping Heeseung who initiated it. They all started laughing and got out of the car in the parking garage.

Ever since Sunghoon and Jay stopped hating each other, the friend groups stopped hating each other too. And they all soon became best friends.

"These things are creepy at night," Jungwon said, and they all agreed. "And cold."

Jake wrapped his arm around him to make him warm and Jay quickly pulled him away.

"Ah-ah, nope," he said, and they all continued laughing and walking down the streets of downtown Seoul.

The dance went pretty well at first. But Jay lost Sunghoon at some point. He thought he was just going to the bathroom, but it was seriously taking a while.

So he decided to go look for him, finding him on his phone in a hallway.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

Sunghoon looked up and nodded. "Yeah. Sorry. All those people... it gives me anxiety."

Jay nodded and smiled. "Well, we're at a dance together. I wanna dance. Come with me." He held his hand out and Sunghoon looked at him.

"I don't really wanna dance out there."

"It's not out there. Just come on. Do you trust me?" Sunghoon nodded and Jay gestured towards his hand. The boy hesitantly grabbed it and they walked down a few hallways and finally, out the exit door.

"Woah," he said, looking at the white garden in awe. White as in... white flowers, white snow, white fairy lights over the rocky walkway, and a white gazebo at the end of said walkway. "This is... beautiful."

"Yeah, I had to take loads of benadryl before this," Jay chuckled, also looking around. "I paid the hotel to do this for us."

Sunghoon looked up at him and Jay nearly fell in love with his eyes that were sparkling in the fairy lights.

"For "us"?" He questioned, smiling like crazy when Jay nodded.

"Mhm." He grabbed his hand and led him to the gazebo, putting his hands on his waist as the band started playing a song.

Sunghoon smiled again and wrapped his arms around Jay's neck, leaning his head on his chest as they swayed slowly with the music. "You look nice tonight," Sunghoon said, hugging him tighter and shutting his eyes.

"Thank you? That was random."

Giggling, Sunghoon pulled away to look into his eyes, taking a moment before hesitantly kissing him. It didn't surprise Jay. Honestly, he wasn't expecting it to not happen tonight.

He just kissed him back, holding him close to his body as he completely embraced the boy who he used to hate.

Sunghoon soon pulled away, looking at him with wide brown eyes. Whether they were filled with love or lust was debatable, but it didn't matter. To Sunghoon, it was both.

"Jay, can we use that room right now?" He asked, making Jay widen his eyes. But he soon smirked and nodded.

"Go up," he said, handing him one of the keys he had. "I'll go to the drugstore across the street to buy... things."

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