19. It's Me

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It was a long car ride to say the least. Jay was nervous.

Extremely nervous.

But when they finally made it and he saw all the police already parked on the street, he thought it would be okay.

"Stay in the car," the cop said, getting out. But when it seemed like all of them were already making their way down the street, he opened the door.

"You stay here, okay?" He asked Sunoo who nodded immediately out of fear.

Jay got out of the car and followed the cops to the house. Kangdae was rich, so he lived in a mansion. That meant it would be so easy to find him.

They all entered the house, Jay going up to check the bedrooms first. It was seriously a maze, but he finally found something in one of the rooms.

"What are you doing?" He asked Kangdae who was standing by a large window.

"You want me dead, right? I might as well just make it happen."

"If I were to kill you, it would be torturing. You're not going this way."

Kangdae shrugged and was about to come back inside, but slipped, and Jay quickly ran over to catch him.

"Look at you. Saving my life," he laughed as he was literally being held from a fourth story window. "I don't wanna die, so I guess it's a win-win situation, hm?"

"Well guess fucking what. You will die unless you tell me where he is. Right. Now."

Jay had never been this angry before. And Kangdae's laughter made it worse.

"You're pretty funny. You wouldn't kill me."

"You wanna test those odds?"

Kangdae's eyes widened and he quickly, shook his head. "He's in the basement. And don't worry about his lack of energy. It was all well spent." He smirked and Jay wished...

He wished he could have had the ability to say he dropped him on purpose. But that statement shocked him so much that he accidentally dropped him.

But instead of feeling sorry, he ran downstairs and looked for the basement, taking a deep breath when he saw a flight of stairs behind a door. It was dark, freezing, and creepy, the smell of iron being horrible. But he ignored it and walked down, turning on the light and gasping.

Sunghoon's hands were cuffed above his head to a pole, the color completely drained out them due to being up for so long. And all he was wearing in this freezing basement was a short pair of shorts and a white t-shirt. His head was hanging low and he was quietly crying.

"Please. No more," he whimpered when he heard footsteps.

"It's me."

Sunghoon didn't even open his eyes. He didn't have to open them to know who said that voice.

"J-Jay Park," he whispered, feeling a gentle hand touching his face.

"Yeah. It's me. Don't worry. He won't hurt you anymore." He grabbed keys off of a nearby table and unlocked Sunghoon's wrists, his arms falling by his sides.

"What do you mean?"

Jay bit his lip and took his jacket off. "He'll be gone for a while." He placed his jacket over Sunghoon's shivering body and lifted him up, carefully carrying him upstairs. "What happened to your cast?"

"He took it off so he could... hurt me even more."

Disgusted, Jay felt no remorse for what happened anymore. He just carried him out where paramedics immediately rushed over and helped him onto a stretcher.

"Wait! Jay, come with," he coughed, reaching for his hand. "Please. Come with."

Jay grabbed his hand and got into the ambulance with him, comforting him on the way to the hospital.

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