24. Mocking Jay (Final)

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A/N: I obviously went back to give each of the chapters titles lol. Also this is the last chapter, but it's mainly soft uwu.

Date: January 5th

To say the last couple of weeks were amazing would be an understatement. Truthfully, it was the best couple of weeks they've ever had, as dramatic as it sounded.

On January 1st, they went on their first date, Jay saying that they had to do it on the first day of the year so it would be a new start for Sunghoon. The date only made Sunghoon fall in love with him more. He had never felt such love, especially in a relationship.

The entire night, Jay did everything in his power to make Sunghoon laugh and feel safe and happy with him. He made jokes, held his hand, and constantly gave him little kisses to make him shyly giggle. This made Sunghoon pout when he thought about it.

What has Jay done to him?

It was a Sunday now. The last day of Christmas break, and Sunghoon was brushing his teeth while Jay was laying on his bed on his phone. While Jay was already ready, Sunghoon was not. They were going to have an eventful day. Although Sunghoon thought they were just going to get his hair dyed and go to lunch, Jay had a surprise for him later in the day.



"Should I get it dyed black or... something else?"

Jay looked towards the open bathroom door in confusion. "Why are you asking me?"

"A constant need for reassurace?" Jay laughed a little bit and Sunghoon nodded. "I'll get it black. Back to what I had before."

Jay frowned a little bit and brought himself to remember what Sunghoon looked like without all the painful blonde and brown highlights. It seriously sucked. Sunghoon loved having black hair, and he never dyed it so it could remain healthy. But now he had to dye it to get back to his old color and remove another thing that was a reminder of that man.

Would it sound psychotic for Jay to say that accidentally killing him didn't hurt his conscience at all?

But there was something about it that was hurting Jay's conscience, and it wasn't the fact that he dropped him.

He told the police that Kangdae jumped, which is what he was technically going to do anyway. There were no signs of physical harm on the man, so they believed Jay. But he also told Sunghoon that. That Kangdae jumped so he wouldn't have to go to prison.

That was the part that hurt him. And he knew at some point he needed to tell Sunghoon what happened. It was an accident, a bad one at that. As much as Kangdae hurt him, it did scare Jay to tell Sunghoon. There was unfortunately still a part of him that cared for Kangdae, Jay knew that.

He needed to find the right time to tell him.

Jay went back on his phone to take his mind off of that, smiling when he felt Sunghoon lay on top of him. He instinctively set his phone down and rubbed the boy's back.

"What's the matter?"

"It seems like something is bothering you," he said, snuggling his face into Jay's neck. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just thinking about... him," he sighed and Sunghoon shivered, hugging him tighter. Maybe Sunghoon wouldn't be upset, considering how scared he got whenever Kangdae's name was even said. "Sunghoon, do you still love him?"

Sunghoon believed Kangdae loved him, which is why he didn't think anything of all the pain he endured at first. He was brainwashed into thinking that was love. So you can imagine his confusion when Jay came in and started treating him to dinner, kisses, and all the affection he could ever ask for.

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