11. Whatever Bozo

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Sunghoon carefully got off the bed and away from his sleeping boyfriend to limp to the bathroom, tears forming in his eyes as he locked the door. He bit his lip, looking at his sad form.

Kangdae said he looked pretty when he was skinny. So he only ate a couple meals a week, and this made his body hurt even more when they sad sex. He was just wearing a long shirt, but he could still see the bruises on his arms and legs, and the deep handprint on his neck.

Now he would need to get up extra early to cover it up with makeup.

He loved Kangdae, but these marks would make people curious. And he didn't want people to become curious because it would ruin their relationship. But Kangdae didn't understand that.

He felt like he wasn't skinny enough and forced himself to throw up, crying on the floor afterwards. He was just so hungry.

*The next day*

"Bakugo could beat Todoroki in a fight," Niki said. "He has beaten Todoroki in a fight."

"He beat him in a fight when Todoroki was only using one of his two powers. And both of his powers are equally powerful, so if he used both, then he would basically be twice as badass. And then he could defeat Bakugo. Hyung, what do you think?" Jungwon asked Jay who was staring into space.

"Hm? I don't know. Well he gave Bakugo a run for his money with only one of his powers, so if he used both of them..."

Jungwon got all happy and then they started arguing while Jay looked around. They were at a café after school, just hanging out randomly, and Jay heard someone sit at the table behind them.

He immediately recognized the voice to be Sunghoon's and sighed when he also heard the boyfriend there too.

"What do you want to eat?"

"I kind of want chicken... and mac and cheese?" Sunghoon asked, coughing a bit and Jay became more confused.

"Really? Don't you think you should have a salad or something?"

"I haven't eaten in like-"

"Fine. Go ahead. It's not like it'll change anything. You're ugly anyway." He laughed like he was joking and Jay wanted to say something, but he didn't. "I'm joking Darling. Don't look so upset."

Jay glared at Kangdae even though he couldn't see it.

Sunghoon was fucking beautiful. What the fuck?

"I know. But I wanna look pretty for you. I'll eat a salad instead."

"Good. I have to go. I'll meet you at your house. And I'll check my credit card history to see what you bought yourself," he said, standing up to kiss Sunghoon before leaving.

Jay also stood up and took out his wallet, placing twenty dollars on the table.

"Sunghoon, may I ask you something?" He asked, sitting where Kangdae was just sitting.

"I mean, I would like to ask you where you just came from, but sure."

"Why did he call you ugly?"

Sunghoon frowned and then smiled a little bit. "He was joking. He thinks I'm very pretty."

"When you weigh nothing?"

"Jay, it's none of your business. I want to weigh this much."

"How much do you weigh?"

"113." Jay's eyes widened.

"Sunghoon, what the fuck?"

"What? Some idols weigh that much."

"Yeah! The girls who are like 5'2"! You're 5'10"!" He almost yelled and Sunghoon rolled his eyes.

"Why does it matter to you?"

"It-" he sighed and looked away. "It doesn't."

"Then leave."

He nodded and stood up, gesturing towards the money. "Just buy the chicken and mac and cheese, okay? He won't know."

Sunghoon took the money and looked up at him. "Whatever Bozo," he mumbled, making Jay chuckle before going back to his friends.

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