22. Rose 🔞

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A/N: *Plays Love Talk*. I'm a huge NCTzen as you can see lol. Jayhoon performing The Seventh Sense was just... chef's kiss. Also, 18+ my ass. I'm sixteen years old. I'm just warning you guys that this chapter obviously has smut lol.

Basically, their friends are really nosey. And now, Sunoo was freaking out while walking with Sunghoon up to the room.

"I shouldn't have told you," he sighed and shook his head.

"No, no, no. It's good that you told me. I can- ooooh," he squealed and took out a black silky robe from the bathroom that was see-through in some places. "You'll look great in this. Put it on. It's no surprise that Jay got this room. It seems like he asked them to put stuff in it. Maybe he was planning this beforehand."

He continued looking around and Sunghoon's eyes widened at that proposition, looking at the white bed that had one singular rose on it. He picked it up and it made Sunoo even more excited, if that was even possible.

"Hyung, this is your first time having sex with someone who isn't... the man who shall not be named. It needs to be special. Put the robe on. I need to see how sexy you look."

Good God, Sunghoon thought, taking off his clothes when Sunoo turned around. He also carefully removed the boot, sitting down as he tied the robe around himself.

"I'm done," he said, and Sunoo turned around, squealing when he saw him.

"You're so beautiful Hyung!" He said happily, gesturing for Sunghoon to lay down. Which he did, tilting his head when Sunoo put the rose in his mouth. "When he comes in, prop yourself up on your elbows and stare at him with begging eyes, okay?"

Sunghoon took the rose out of his mouth to say, "you're a virgin-"

"But I read Wattpad, so..." he laughed and went to leave. "Good luck. Tell me how it goes!" He left and Sunghoon sighed.

Was all this really necessary?

Well he didn't have any time to think about it when the door opened and he quickly did what Sunoo said to do. Jay's eyes widened, quickly shutting and locking the door so anyone waking by couldn't see him.


Sunghoon's cheeks flushed red and he shut his eyes, feeling embarrassed with Jay's staring.

It didn't help that he was trying to look sexy for someone who used to hate him.

"Sunoo's doing, I presume?" He heard Jay say, shivering when he felt a hand on his thigh. He kept his eyes closed, not daring to look at him, and Jay chuckled. "If you're into Sensory deprivation, just say that."

He took the rose out of Sunghoon's mouth, the boy shivering when the soft petals tickled his neck instead. But he gasped when it was replaced with a pair of lips that pushed him fully down onto his back.

"I was embarrassed," Sunghoon laughed a little bit, moaning quietly when Jay's teeth clamped down on his collarbone.

"I can understand that," he said, moving up to kiss him. It was weird. Never in his life did he expect to be so obsessed with Sunghoon's mouth. In fact, he used to hate it because of the profanity and insults that spewed out of it every time they talked to each other.

The thought of that made Jay smile as he gripped Sunghoon's soft, slightly tan thighs. This made Sunghoon whimper, and Jay pulled away to look at him.

After everything that happened, Sunghoon was insecure about the fact that he gained a lot of weight back, and Jay knew that. Sunghoon was an athlete. An elegant one at that. He was always supposed to be somewhat skinny and "pretty". But fuck was he hot with a little bit of weight on him.

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