10. You Know I Love You, Right?

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A/N: This chapter contains a bit of sexual assault at the end (doesn't actually show it), so please skip it if you need.

Date: September 18th

"Hey Loser, get out of my seat," Sunoo said, making Sunghoon roll his eyes and scoot over. "You never give up that easily." He laughed and reached over to take some of Heeseung's fries.

They heard yelling and all looked over, seeing someone picking on a younger kid.

"Sunghoon, no one in their right mind would hurt your pretty face. Go help," Heeseung said and he rolled his eyes again before standing up.

"Hey. Like... stop," he told the guy who turned around and scoffed.

"Shut the fuck up pretty boy."

"I'm not pretty..."

"I don't give a fuck what you are. Go back to your friends."

Sunghoon shook his head and stood up straight. "No."

The guy turned to fully face him and then pushed him down, making everyone gasp.

"I said leave pretty boy!"

He was about to hit him when someone came up from behind him and wrapped a hand tightly around his throat.

"Touch the pretty boy and you're dead," Jay calmly said in his ear.

"Park, that you?" The guy asked. "I thought you hated him. Why don't you just help me beat his ass?"

Sunghoon's eyes widened, but Jay just chuckled. "I can't do that. You see, I may have always hated Sunghoon, but... I've never even thought of putting my hands on him. I'll give you five seconds to give up before I increase the pressure."

"Fine," the guy sighed and Jay let him go.

"Go." When he walked away, Jay reached a hand down to help Sunghoon up. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Stop helping me."

Jay rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Like damn I try to be nice and-"

"Just go back to your friends," Sunghoon chuckled. "And thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Go back to your friends before people think we like each other now," he said, playfully glaring before walking back to his table.

"Whatever bitch," he scoffed, internally laughing at what just happened.


"Someone hurt me today," Sunghoon said, sitting on his bed next to Kangdae. "But... you know Jay? He helped me."

"You mean the guy you hate?" He asked, not looking away from his game on the TV.

"Yes, him. But he helped me today, so I just thought you should know-"

"So what? You're all buddy buddy with him now? You're lucky I even let you hang out with your other friends."

Sunghoon sighed and moved to get up, but Kangdae grabbed his wrist to stop him. "That hurts," he whimpered, gasping when he was pulled back down.

"I don't fucking care. You won't speak to him again, understand?"


A hand was wrapped around his throat and he gasped, trying to pry it away. "You will not speak to him again, understand?" Sunghoon whimpered and nodded, gasping for air when he was let go. He started coughing and Kangdae laughed. "You liked when I did that to you last night."

"It just... hurt this time," he said, fiddling with his fingers.

"Hm... I'm sorry baby. You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah. I love you too. I think I'm gonna go to sleep."

Kangdae turned off his game and shook his head. "Not yet. I'm horny," he said, rubbing his hand along Sunghoon's thigh.

"B-but I'm tired."

"Can we try somno?" Sunghoon quickly shook his head, the thought terrifying him, and Kangdae harshly gripped his thigh. "Then we won't do that," he said, pushing his legs apart and getting in between them to kiss him.

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