Chapter 5: Kanto Arc- First Step to Journey (Viridian City)

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It was a Nice Morning with Pidegeotto chirping as a sign that Morning is Coming, The Sun is shining brightly in Masara Town, Kanto Region. We can see a Young Boy squirming to wake up from his Bunk Bed, The Room was a simple consisted of the Bunkbed, Desk, TV, Bookshelf full of Books and Portrait of Pokemons but the one who took notice is 5 Pokeball in the Desk.

The door clicked opened showing a bipedal dog/wolf/jackal-like with red eyes. This Pokemon, named Lucario, has just finished hunting Food in Forest. The Pokeball got pinged again showing a Humanoid Pokemon that similar to Legendary Mew appeared. His name Mewtwo, He is created by Scientist and one of the Mythical Pokemon.

"Is he haven't woken up yet?" Lucario asked to walk to the Bunk Bed, "It's rare for him to sleep in..."

"He slept late, Today is the day of his Journey after all..." Mewtwo comment in amusement

Lucario gives a fond smile to the Boy who curled in the Bed with a Feline Pink Cat in his Chest who is also snoring, snuggling into a Pokedoll, Her name is Mew the Mythical Pokemon and said to be the Ancestor of all Pokemons.

The Boy who sensed he was watching, He opened his brown eyes, blinked once, twice looked down at Mew and at his Family who greeted him 'Good Morning' made him smile yawned rub his eyes.

"Good Morning, Ash.." Lucario greet him

Ash sits in the Bed plopping Mew in his Head who is still snoring, "Good Morning, Lucario, Mewtwo.."

Mewtwo took the 3 Pokeball, "I'm gonna let the Beast come out and you, go wash up. We need go to Prof. Oak Laboratory..."

Ash, who listened wide-eyed in a gasped jump down with Agility from the Bunk bed in excitement, woke Mew up from his Head, She chirped in confusion perched on Lucario Head.

"Finally! It's time for me to begin my Journey!" Ash said in excited from Bathroom

This Boy named Ash from Masara Town, He is 12 Years old. It was supposedly 10 years when the Children begin to Travel and pursue their Dream with their Starter Pokemons but the League decided to prolong the Age to 12 years old because 10 years old is too young to leave their Home therefore Ash learned everything in their time to prepare his Journey.

After the Journey he got from Rota Kingdom and when Lucario became his Family, Lucario taught Ash everything about the Aura and don't forget that Queen AIleen sent the Book of Sir Aaron about Aura therefore they can learn about Aura together with Ash who teach Lucario about the Modern Era.

Lucario was a Natural Knight from the Warring Era so he got a lot of Knowledge about Battle and Ash of course learned from him about the Battle. He decided to become Pokemon Master after reading the book. It was a Elite Trainer who is considered a professional and regularly takes part in Pokémon League competitions.

Ash didn't intend to take part in Champion, He didn't want to rule the Region after all but he didn't mind having Battle with Champion and Elite Trainer.

5 years with Ash who is 12 years old, He already mastered Healing Aura, Mind-reading but he decided to not use that since it was rude, tracking others' Aura, telepathy and sensing the emotions of others make Lucario proud of his Apprentice.

He also mastered the Ability that Arceus blessed him with. He can heal Pokemon who are on the verge of Dying, He can control the Element even though it was Hard because of his Core in his Body still growing but at least he can bend Nature in his Will.

Ash also become Assistant of Prof. Oak sometimes give report to him using his Knowledge from Arceus to help Pokemon much better and therefore he make attention from other Professor but Ash who didn't want to make stand out decided to stay Low except Prof. Oak proudly told the other Professor about his Little Assistant who is 7 years old.

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