Chapter 22: Beginning of the Orange Island Arc

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A bright light.

A strong presence.

That's what Ash could feel. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was bright, infinite light shining down on him.

It was so beautiful. A galaxy in which all living beings in the universe existed. The bright lights were entwined together like an aurora.

He sat up and saw that he was in the Hall of Origin. Arceus was looking at him with an unreadable expression. Was it sadness?

Ash didn't have the energy to stand so he knelt instead. Beneath him was glass with stardust shining brightly underneath. Mew, Mewtwo, Lugia, Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno were sitting around Arceus, while Dialga and Palkia were standing before him.

Ash raised his eyebrow at Arceus. "You called me, Father?"

Arceus exhaled. "Yes. I heard everything from Lugia. I heard that you have complicated feelings and I'm sure you have questions."

Ash opened and closed his mouth. He had many questions in his mind but the only thing he could ask was, "Am I just your Human Sacrifice?" He took in a sharp breath, awaiting Arceus' reply.

"No," replied Arceus. "I never thought of you as a Human Sacrifice."

"I've read the Mythology before. For a long time, innocent people would be sacrificed to the deities. My life is the same. You chose me to become your sacrifice. My purity allows me power, but I cannot die. The pokemon always interfere when I try to take my own life. I can't die.

While Ash spoke the words of his heart, he couldn't bear to look Arceus in the eyes nor any of the other Pokemon' eyes. Ash instead stared out the window where he could see the clouds and the hill where the Pokemon Village was as well as all the Pokemon who served Lord Arceus.

"You are a clever child," commented Arceus with remorse. "I saw many of my worlds be destroyed. I saw your birth. It was not I who picked you; rather your Aura connected with mine. That's why I chose you."

"After the incident with the Weather Trio and Lugia, I started to get flashbacks whenever there's a storm. My life was turned upside down. I know sometime in the future there would be more I need to do to save this world and I would be lying if I said I'm not afraid. I don't want to die. I don't want to cause my mother pain.

The Legendary Pokemon in the Hall were silent and stared down at the boy. He looked fragile, like a flower. A lone tear overflowed from his brown eyes.

"What do you think of flowers after they have bloomed? It was abscission where the flower is fall. If one flower blooms, one also falls. If two flowers bloom two also fall. But in exchange, you can not die. I think I understand why you stayed quiet, didn't tell me, but..."

More tears fell from Ash's eyes. There was pain in those eyes that was not supposed to exist in those of a child.

"I wish you had told me. If I'd known, I would have been able to control myself. To not use the ability that was given to me. It always goes wrong. I realized it when I saw a flower grow from a seed to a full bloom in only a second when I saved those Pokemon who were on the verge of death. Every time I use your power, I feel like something inside of me is lost. My life was reduced every time I used my powers to raise the dead."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry but you are important to this World."

Ash could only close his eyes, accept the answer, apologize and move on. Before he could wake up, he heard Father speak to him. "Live your life like any other trainer for as long as you can."

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