Chapter 24: Orange Island Arc- First Badge

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Morning is Coming with Ash who already woke up from his Sleep. He packs all of his things from Prof. Ivy Laboratory Bedroom. Ash bid her 'goodbye' at the Front Door.

"I will bring the G.S Ball to Prof. Oak."

"Well, come visit us anytime you want. Ash."

"Thank you very much. See you someday."

Ash walked outside from the Laboratory to the Beach Sore where he let out Suicune from her Pokeball. He hopped into her back on the way back to Pallet Town, Ash looked at the Vast Ocean Sky in front of him hoping nothing happened. He needs to go back to Orange Island again after bringing the Pokeball to Prof. Oak but this time he went to Mikan Island for his First Gym Battle.

He suddenly Jolted Perked up look at his Left where there Beach Sore in there. Ash furrowed his eyebrow.

"What is the matter?" Suicune asked to notice the sudden Jolt

"No. Just I heard Voice. A Little Female Voice. Pokemon Voice."

[Pika, pIka, Chu] "Let's Check it out."

"Go. Suicune to that Direction."

Suicune Turn Direction into Beachside where Ash gasped when saw 3 Teenagers Bullying a baby Lapras and Abuse her. She's the one who calls out for Help.

"Suicune. Gust to those Monsters." Ash growled

Suicune runs to them and gives a Burst of Gust Wind to the Teenager, making them fall back in surprise.

"What was that?!" One of them asked

"What are you three intend doing with that Lapras?!" Ash hop down from Suicune Back who growling

"It's not your Business!"

"We didn't need Brash like you to tell us how to handle our pokemon!"

"Your Pokemon?!" Ash growled in anger, "You treated and Abused your Pokemons?!"

"Get Lost! Or you will taste the Orange Crew!"

They send out their Pokemon. Ash snorted insidely. How Pathetic, "Suicune Hyper Beam to those Pokemons."

Suicune Hyper Beam hit the 3 Pokemons who got knocked out immediately. A Usual Pokemon can not defeat Legendary Pokemons and for once Ash thank you for the Legendary Pokemons Mystery.

"This is my last warning. Scram!" Ash growl sends out his Pressure to those teenagers

The Teenager looks at the Boy in front of him with the Majestic Pokemons behind him growling in Malicious along with his Pikachu who gives a Spark. In those moments, they only need one Last Move and that is to Run Away.

"Pathetic." Ash humped look at the Lapras who whine in fear saw Ash who is Human

Ash walks slowly to Lapras kneeling in front of her who tries to move away but can't because of the Teenager. She Closes her eyes waiting for the Pain but sense nothing except a Warm Feeling enter her Body. She opened her eyes and saw the Human gently stroke her head humming a Tune of Song.

Lapras felt like she was in the Calm Sea where the Wave is Calming him. A Warm like a Sun in the Cold Ocean Water.

"You're Fine. You will Be fine. I'm sorry for those people who do this For you but remember there are many Bad and Good People in this World and I'm sorry for you to encounter Bad People."

Ash looks at Lapras who stares at him in Fear closing her eyes waiting for Pain or Abuse from Humans. It hurt him to see her, It reminded him of an Abused Child from the Book he read. Ash slowly sends out his Calming and Healing Wave Aura to the Pokemons who open her eyes in surprise.

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