Chapter 12: Kanto Arc- Another Journey

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A Blazing Sun through the Forest makes a Young Boy huffed behind Legendary Beast, Raikou Back who runs through the Forest. The Young Boy named Ash Ketchum, He has just finished battling with Fuchsia Gym Leader, Koga and earned Soul Badge but now he was on the way to the Cinnabar Island where Volcano Gym is and honestly it was the farthest Gym he needed to go.

Ash didn't have flying type Pokemon except Pidgeotto but even though they need to stay at the CIty for the Whole Night to rest and the way to the Island needs to pass through numerous City and Forest.

"We're near the Forest." Raikou said

Ash humed and let Raikou run outside the Forest, only halted on the verge of the Forest, making Ash hop down from his Back and put him back into his Pokeball. He walked outside the Forest and raised his eyebrow by the Spacious Hill and Fields.

[Pika...] "So Spacious..."

"It's been a while since i saw a spacious place.." Lucario come out from his Pokeball

Ash opened his Pokedex looking where they are and it said that they are in the Ranch of the Laramie Clan. He looks up when a Female riding a Ponyta and Arcanine behind her.

"Hello!" Ash called her make her halted

"Hello, Are you here looking at our Ranch?" She asked

"You could say that. Laramie Clan is quite popular among breeding,yes?"

She chuckled and jumped down from her Ponyta,"My name is Lara and my partner Ponyta and this one is like the Security Guard of our Ranch, Arcanine."

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Ash Ketchum. My Partner Pikachu and Lucario."

Ash looks at Ponyta and walks to it,"Wow. It looks Majestic, Hello.."

It only stared at him to make Ash tilted his head, send a wave of calming Aura, make Ponyta give a delighted chirped, make Ash chuckled and touch Ponyta's head, surprising Lara.

"It surprised me. Ponyta, who didn't like strangers, took a liking to you." Lara comment

Ash chuckled, patting it head,"It only Shy to other people. Isn't it?"

[ta..] She chirped in delight, rubbing her fire in Ash's head and making him chuckled by the Gestured. Ash looks at the Herd at the Ranch in respect.

"Raising just one is hard enough and yet you're raising an Entire Herds." Lucario said

"You can speak?!" Lara asked in shocked

Lucario rolled his eyes,"Isn't it fun-Fucking- Tastic?"

"Language." Ash cleared his throat,"A-Anyway, AMongs the Breeder, Laramie Clans Pokemon are reputed for being stronger than others thanks to them being free in their Nature."

"Hearing you say that makes me Happy." She chuckled,"Everyone here feels the same, They all took pride in their Work. Oh Yeah, We're having a Festival in our Village right now. Come Visit if you like."

"How about we stay for the night guys? We already stayed on the Road for about 3 days after all." Ash raised his shoulder where Pikachu perched upon

[Pika!] "Yes!"

"Also, You guys come at the perfect time. There's a Pokemon Race tomorrow." Lara informed him

"Pokemon race?"

"To show off the fruits of the Pokemon's growth, we have them compete in a race, you see. If you win, the Laramie Clan recognizes you as an Honorary Pokemon and an Honorary Trainer."

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