Chapter 17: Kanto Arc- League Tournament [✔]

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According to Ash , the battle with Mandi wasn't a challenge.He had expected a good battle but it was clear that Mandi had underestimated him. After the battle on the water field, Ash's second battle was on the ground field. He used Gyarados again , since he could take advantage of the field with his powerful water type. Ash again managed to win the first two Pokemon of his opponent by using Gyarados.

"Go, Nidorino!" The trainer shouted as he released his third pokemon.

"Give everything you have got, Gyarados." Ash said with vigour.

"Tackle attack!"

"Endure it!"

Gyarados endured the tackle attack from Nidorino. There wasn't much damage but it was enough to tire him out.

"Use Leer and Hydro Pump!"

He then used leer on Nidorino and made it frozen for a few seconds but that was enough time for Gyarados to turn off leer and use Hydro Pump before it could regain its composure. Nidorino was blasted head on onto the rocks by the sheer force of the attack .

"Now! Tackle!" Ash commanded without taking any chances.

Gyarados tackled Nidorino who had been still in a daze,and knocked it out with swirls in its eyes.

"Nidorino is unable to battle! Victory for the Green Trainer Ash Ketchum!"

Ash upon hearing it exhaled a sigh, finally letting all the tensions bleed out from his shoulder. Pikachu and Mew, now disguised as a Pichu, cheered for Gyarados who grinned savagely while Lucario nodded in utmost satisfaction.

"And rookie trainer Ash Ketchum will be moving on to the 3rd round of the preliminaries !! Congratulations Ash Ketchum for an outstanding performance !!"

After the battle, Ash returns Gyarados to his Pokeball. He gives a peck on the pokeball and lets the two pokemons perched on each of his shoulders into his arms. He got out from the field sighing and leaned onto the Wall.

"Are you okay?" Lucario asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. It's just the adrenaline finally finished."

"Ah. You can rest after checking the pokemon at the Pokemon Center. Tomorrow you have another battle."

"You're right."

Ash went to the Pokemon Center without wasting any time. It was already evening and he had to buy dinner for him to eat before he rested. Ash enters the Pokemon Center, thankfully it wasn't packed yet as the other trainer's are either training with their pokemon or are still in a Competition.

He waits in the lobby of the Pokemon Center ignoring the whispers and looks from other competitors since he had only used Gyarados till now and is a rumour amongst other trainer's.

"Ash Ketchum!" Nurse Joy called out his name to his relief.

"Here, your pokemon is fully healed and is in perfect health."

Ash took the pokeball back."Thank you so much Nurse Joy."

He gets out from the Pokemon Center and goes to get him and his pokemon some dinner. He went to a cafe where the worker gladly packed the food for him and his pokemon. Ash walks back to the cabin he was allotted to stay.

The cabin was comfy for both trainer and pokemon. Each trainer's room has a bedroom and a living room with a couch ,as well as a small makeshift kitchen and there is plenty of area for the pokemon to roam inside. Ash is thankful that he has no roommate, Nurse Joy had informed him that the trainer who he has to share room with chose to be with his friends at a different quarter. So Ash is lucky to have the privacy he much needed.

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