Chapter 19: The Last Wall into the Champion [✔]

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A/N : I am not very good at writing battles, but I have tried my best to write as much as I can. Forgive me for any mistakes happened in the story whether it is in the battle or with the moves used. I had tried my best in that area. Hope you enjoy the story.


Lucario had been thinking about all that was happening between him and Ash. It was the feeling that he always had been feeling and longed to feel again after being imprisoned on the staff, in all those centuries he had lived. It's been 5 years since he was freed from the staff, and these were glorious moments for him. Living along with Ash had made him cope up with this timeline and he was able to share a good relationship with him, also from his grief of losing Sir Aaron. But this feeling, never had he expected to feel it again after he lost his master. He was silent all this time, as he wanted to make sure it is the same feeling and now he is sure.

The warm and welcoming feeling he now has is the same, not as powerful but is slowly growing, it is the one he shared with his former master Sir Aaron, the feeling of his bond with him. His bond with Sir Aaron was the strongest, they were able to feel each other no matter how distant far they were, they were able to say when one of them was devastated, they shared the same happiness and were always together in whatever they had done. Their bond was impenetrable and have been until Sir Aaron trapped him in the staff and sacrificed himself. It took him and Aaron years to accomplish such a strong bond, they had endured a lot of hardship and the bond was the epitome of their love and sacrifices.

Lucario still can't believe that the same bond is being formed between him and Ash. And the most astonishing fact is that they are growing faster and he is certain that this bond would be more powerful than his and Aaron's combined. A tear shed from his eyes on the memory of Sir Aaron and also there was happiness. He immensely loves Ash, he is his little brother, pupil, and also their Prince. He was destined by Lord Arceus to protect him but now it is him who is being overwhelmed by the feeling of security just like the one Sir Aaron had offered him. Fate plays always in a weird way. He knows Ash is confused right now, but he will wait for the right moment until then he likes to float in this without any worries.


Ash was now sitting outside the cabin with his pokemon with both Pikachu and Mew in his arms while the others were training for tomorrow. It's late-night, Ash stares at the moon, he couldn't sleep because of all the anxiety. He hoped that he wasn't pushed so hard that would compel him to use his legendaries but that means he needs to make Lucario and Charizard work double.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Mewtwo asked, sitting beside him.

"I don't know. I'm a little scared." Ash answered honestly with a confused look. "I mean if I win the Indigo Conference then I will get the chance to battle against the Elite Four and the Champion.

" Isn't it great that you can battle with Lance?" He commented.

Ash hummed as he leaned into the tree behind him, "You could say that. But if I use you, Lance and his pokemons won't stand a chance."

Mewtwo snickered, "yup, I'm a stranger to the psychic pokemons that ever existed."

Ash chuckled,"You right."

Mewtwo sighs and gently taps his forehead making Ash squeak, "Do everything you can and if you need help, we are behind you and will be there to support you, Little Brother."

Ash smiles delightedly. " Thank you, Onii-Chan."

They got back inside the cabin to sleep after their little talk and training. They had a lot to do for tomorrow, and Ash knows for sure that they are ready.

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