Chapter 25: Orange Island Arc- Crystal Onix

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The news about the Team Rocket who still in operation didn't disband makes Ash feel discomforted. He wonders why Lance didn't tell him but thinking back he might be Busy hunting the Left Out Team Rocket and Giovanni who disappear into the Darkness, controlling from Behind the Scene.

Ash stared at his phone in his hand sighs and put it back into his Backpack. He was now in the Lapras Back with the Weather Trio at the Sky roaming around along with Lugia and Gyarados in the water with Lucario who meditated in the Lapras Back along with Pikachu who dozed off.

Yesterday was a Rough Day. He never thought that he was gonna work together with Jessie and James to take back their Pokemons from the other members of Team Rocket. Ash didn't know what happened to those two and didn't want to know.

Team Rocket disgustingly uses Psychic Pokemons to control the Pokemons to attack their Trainer following their Command, it disgusts him no matter what he thought about it. Ash didn't remember much except he remembered Raikou Electric and Entei Fire was destroying their Base and Officer Jenny who captured Team Rocket was brought into the Jail.

Ash didn't like it when he left out something important like this. Lance didn't tell him anything, Sure they didn't close like before since they were busy with each other but at least he can tell him the News therefore he turns off his phone. Lance also rarely sends out a Gift from his Travel or send a message to him, If he didn't want to contact him then so be it.

He blinked from his thoughts when Lucario shifted narrowed at the Ocean ahead of him," What's wrong, Lucario?"

"No, Just I sense something in Ocean. Its Aura is dimmed slightly." He answers narrowing his eyes

"Lapras," Ash command the Pokemon who cooed

Lapras swims faster to where Lucario points it out and indeed, Ash could see an Injured Beautiful Pink Dragonair in the Ocean make him gasped. Why is there Alolan Dragonair in the Ocean or Kanto Region? But, anyways he needs to heal this Pokemon.

"Lapras. Swim Closer to it. We need to help it."

Lapras cooed swim closer to the Injured Dragonair who alerted saw Ash and of course, Ash who already got experienced with becoming Professor Assistant, He sees many of the Pokemons who got abandoned by their Trainer or got Injured therefore Ash send out a wave of his Aura make it let down of it guards.

"It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Can I help you?" Ash asked to stretch out his Arm

The Pink Dragonair blink to look at Ash stretch his Hand and nudge at it make Ash grin gently pat it Head send out his Wave of Aura make the Dragonair calm down and trust him slightly.

"Lucario, Bring me the Berry and the First Aid Kit from my Bag."

"Here you go."

Ash took the Bag," Thank you."

Dragonair looked at the Berry in Ash hand who smiled and gestured to eat it, It ate after a second hesitance. Ash gave a smile and rubbed their head.

"Yeah. Excellent." Ash sends out the Healing Potion," It's okay. It Healing Potion, It's gonna heal you. Don't be nervous."

Ash gently puffed out the Potion to the Dragonair who flinched, He kept sending out a Calming Aura to Dragonair who slowly got much better. Ash gives the last berry to the one who eats it and gives a chirp to Ash who smiles.

"Are you fine now?" Ash asked

"Yes. Thank you. Guardian." A Female Voice (Teenager) asked

Ash's smile put his first-kit in his bag back," How did you come in here? If I remember correctly, you're supposed to be in the Alola Region."

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