Chapter 9: Kanto Arc- St. Anne Cruise

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A Sea Scent...

A Young Boy was seen riding a Legendary Beast Suicune, He wore a Red Hat and a Blue Jacket with Black T-Shirt with Jeans and a Red Sneaker. The Boy has a Raven Hair and Brown Hair, He was in Peace let the Wind past through him.

The Boy's name is Ash Ketchum or Chosen One by pokemons who know his Name.

Beside him is a Young Man perhaps in Age 20 wearing a simple Black Turtleneck and Leather Jacket, The Young Male has a Ruby Eye and Red Hair. The Man was riding Legendary Beat of Entei in Peace Look.

The Young Man is Champion of Kanto and Johto, Lance of Blackthorn, Elite Four and Dragon Pokemon specialist.

In front of them is a Pedal-Jack Like Pokemon who is named as Lucario, An Aura Based Pokemons.

They finally get out from the Forest with Entei and Suicune who walk out from the Forest showing a Beautiful Sea with a Pretty Sand. Ash hopped down from Suicune in stunned of the Beauty.

"Pretty..." He muttered

"I agreed." Lance also commented

"How about we camp here?" Ash asked look at Lance who nod in agreed

For the Evening, Ash and Lance prepared their Dinner. The Sun is setting showing the Night Starry Sky. Ash walks to the Beach Water with his Shoes in his hand, He has a Relax Face with Lance who leaned at Entei in Peace.

Mew was playing with the other Pokemons who play in Sea Water, Ash gave a soft smile and sat back next to Lance in the Firewood.

"You really love your Pokemons." Lance said first

"Of course, I rarely have Human Friends therefore I prefer being with Pokemons."

"I can imagine that."

They decided to Sleep after Ash trained his Pokemon. His Metapot is Evolving into a Beautiful Butterfree to make him Have a Happy feeling. Weedle also evolved into Kakuna. His Training is this Intense make his Pokemon Evolve quickly but they are Satisfied with the Result.

They decided to continued their Journey Early, Lance threw the Sand into the Firewood so they didn't make Attention to the Wild Pokemons

"Good Night, Lance."

"Good Night, Ash."

On Morning after Breakfast they continued their Journey to the Vermillion City from the Forest Route only decided to use Dragonite to go into the City when they are near the Civilization or the People.

They hop down from Dragonite just out from the Gate to Vermillion City. The first thing they need to go is Pokemon Center, Ash look at the Pokedex the way to the Pokemon Center and they greet Nurse Joy in there

"Hello, Nurse Joy. Will you look at my pokemons." Ash greet him

"I too..." Lance chirped up

"Please put your Pokeball in the Tray." She take out the Tray

Ash put Entei and Suicune Pokeball while Lance out Dragonite Pokeball but suddenly the door got opened showing a Trainer and his Pokemons who is Rough Shape laying in the Bed got pushed by Chansey to the Emergency Room.

"What happened?" Ash asked in Curious

"That the 15th one brought in this Month!" Nurse Joy in Exasperated make them surprised

She bring them into the Recovery Room where there many Pokemon sleep in there, Recovering make Ash raised one of his Eyebrow in surprised

"They all lose to Lt.Surge. Vermillion Gym Leader." Nurse Joy told them

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