Chapter 15:Kanto Arc- Welcome Back Home [✔]

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It's been a while since Ash went outside from the hospital. He was to stay at the hospital till he recovered completely because he had a severe Concussion along with the other injuries and the doctor wanted to make sure that he is perfectly fine before he went back to his home in Pallet Town. As a result of his concussion, one side of his eye is momentarily blind - a temporary side effect which almost gave Ash a heart attack. But the doctor assured him that it will heal in a few weeks, and that there is nothing to worry about.

Speaking of Mewtwo, He continuously apologized to Ash, only to be told firmly that there is no need to apologize as it isn't his fault for anything that happened out there. But the simple fact that he got mind-Control made Mewtwo a little bit more protective of his 'Little Brother'.

PIkachu and Mew didn't leave from his side either, not even an inch except when he had to go to the bathroom, of course. Ash being touched by the concern and worry of his Family, let them do what they want.

Lance also sometimes visited him along with Dragonite. Ash admits that he winched slightly upon seeing the wound . A few bruises and the surgery mark, He sighs and wears his clothes again.

Today is the day he will be released out of the hospital's care and can finally go back home. Ash has already taken off his bandage which only showed a scar and will soon disappear.

"You're done?" Lance asked.

Ash looked up from where he was sitting and saw Lance wearing Casual clothes with his hair tied in a half tie hairstyle. Lance insisted that he would escort him to Pallet Town.

"Yeah." Ash nodded.

"Let's go then." Lance stood up from the couch.

They walk outside the hospital and as expected there is no one who could recognize Lance with his hair down which makes Ash amused. Lance helps Ash to ride his Dragonite to Pallet Town.

"Are you excited to go home?" Lance asked near his ears

"Yeah. You will love my Mother." He answered with a fond smile.

They enjoyed the scenery until they arrived at Pallet Town. Dragonite lowered towards the ground beside Ash's house. They hopped down from the dragon type and walked into the house with Ash who rings the doorbell.

"Yes?" A Female voice asked while opening the door only to squeal loudly when she saw her son,"Ash!"

"Hello, Mama.." Ash embraced his mother.

Delia hugged Ash tightly then cupped his face showing an Eyepatch in his eyes,"When I heard that you are in the hospital. I was worried sick."

"Sorry for making you worried, Mama." Ash apologized and pointed towards Lance,"He brought me home."

"Lance! Welcome!" She hugged the older man who smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you, Delia." Lance greet her

Delia urged them to enter the house, Ash couldn't help but feel nostalgic, it has been too long since he came home, he really missed it. He felt himself crying even if there weren't any tears, upon thinking how much he loved his mom and the house they live in.

" Please sit down, Lance. I will make some tea." Delia said walking into the Kitchen

Lance in the meantime looks around the house, it's a comfy house. He saw a glass cupboard full of certificates and a trophy, which made him walk towards it. Lance widened his eyes, surprised. He knows that Ash is smart, he had spent some time with the kid, he also passed the test with flying colors but he never knew that Ash had even earned a certificate as an Assistant Professor.

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