Not What I Planned

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Jaylen's Pov


The next morning we got up and made it to our plane on time,We mostly slept the whole way.

When we got back to New York it was cold as fuck and me having on leggings didnt help but I guess I was so use to the L.A weather already.

Me,Chris and Zayden went home meaning Chris house and we basically laid in bed and slept all day trying to adjust to the time and weather back here.

Thanksgiving was tomorrow meaning I was gonna have to deal with my dad's side if the family but I was cool with that because that mean to didn't have to cook anything ,just take plates and go home.

"Bae I found a studio out here,Imma go check it out for a minute,wanna come with me and lil man"Chris asked

"Nah,Imma go over Bree house and bother her for a while since she haven't seen me in 2 weeks"He walked over and kissed me

"Aight,call you later"He said

"Bye mommy"Zayden said kissing my cheek

"Bye baby"

After they left I took a shower and put on an all navy blue jogging suit before driving to Bree house.

"Hey bae"Nicki said hugging me then hugging Alonna as soon as she opened the door

"Hey,When you get here"I asked her as we walked in

"Bree said you were coming so I came straight here"She said

"So how was it"She asked as we sat on the couch

"It was cool,Just wish we could have done more,Chris and them was working the moment we got there and me and Alonna didn't get to do much"

"Well somebody been getting some dick,you glowing girl"Bree said giving me a hug,

"Bitch whatever"I said laughing

"So what y'all doin today"She asked

"Catching up on some sleep and then goin to my dad house to help cook for thanksgiving"I said

"Damn I wish I could go too but my momma want me to spend it with her"Alonna said

"Awww I'm go miss you pookie"I said making a sad face

"Bitch don't do that"I laughed

"But I do gotta head that way in like 2 hours"Alonna said looking at her phone

"Well since she leaving us let's go out tonight"Nicki said

"Nah imma just stay in tonight,I'm already tired as fuck and have to get up early tomorrow"I said

"Shit I feel you on that one,I been working so fucking much I don't be getting a chance to see nobody "Bree said

"Yea you need to get some rest boo"Nicki said

"I will,the holidays are gonna be over soon anyway,Lonna are you going with Jay tomorrow to her dad house"Bree asked

"Yea but I'm going later,I know it's gonna be traffic and people everywhere"She said

We sat and talked until it was time for Alonna to go so we said our goodbyes and left...


Later that night I started cleaning up the house and throwing out the spoiled food we were suppose to get rid of before we left,Chris came in with Zayden asleep on his shoulder

"Hey baby,Imma go lay him down real quick"I nodded

I went to our room and laid flat on the bed.

"You must be tired"He said walking in taking off his jacket

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