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Chris Pov

"Is she ok"Alonna asked first

"She went into cardiac arrest and slipped into a coma,At this point there is nothing we can but wait until she approves"Alonna broke down crying as I just stood there frozen

"Why would this happen"I asked

"It could've been a million things,Stress,The baby,or medicine she been taking,Her brain is still active so she's not brain dead which is a great thing,things like this tend to happen after giving birth"

"Can we see her"Nicki asked

"Not at this time,We're still running tests but we will let you know as soon as we are done"

"Thank you"I said

I sat down with my head in my hands because I felt like half of it was my fault.Not only dealing with our break up but having to deal with being pregnant by someone who wasn't with you.

I then started thinking about my daughter so I got up and asked the nurse if I can see her and she said yes.

When she walked me to the room where many babies were,I walked over her baby bed and she was woke.

"I'll come back in 30 minutes so you can feed her ok?"The nurse raid smiling

"Yea,Thanks"I said as she left

I picked her up and sat down in the chair.Her eyes were wide open and she stared at me,I smiled and kissed her cheek and wrapped her hand around my finger.

She was me and Jay's twin,I can tell she was gonna be goofy  just like me because she was always smiling

She was beyond beautiful and it was still sinking in that she was mines,I've actually seen Jay giving birth and I just appreciated her even more for putting her body through that twice for my seeds to be here.

I stayed in the room until the nurse came in and let me feed her for a while.

At this point I was just hoping and praying Jay gets better.

The nurse finally let me see Jay but I couldn't bring Zania in the room with me.

Seeing her like this hit me hard.....

Jaylen's Pov

It felt like I was In a deep sleep that was impossible to wake up from,No matter how much I pushed myself to I couldn't wake up for nothing and I started to get scared.

Every now and then I could hear something but it would fade out.

I then heard someone talking and I immediately knew it was Chris.I just wanted to jump up and and do any type of movement to let him know I was listening  but it was like my eyes were glued shut and my body was paralyzed.

"I feel like this my fault,I just wanted to do what was right and I wasn't thinking straight,I was just thinking about what I wanted instead of what I needed and how it would effect you"I heard him say and I can hear the pain in his voice

"Jay I love you and that's never gonna change,I wish I could go back and delete some dumb ass moments in my life that lead to me losing you "It got quiet and I heard his sniffles,I felt him kiss my cheek

"I love you"He whispered in my ear

I started to feel sleepy and relaxed my body going into a deep sleep.

Chris Pov
3 days later

I been at this hospital every day,The only time I leave is to change my clothes and take Zayden to school.

Nicki would pick him up and bring to the hospital to see his little sister.I didn't want Zayden to see Jay like that so I just tell him she's asleep.

Today I get to take Zania home and I was happy.

Before leaving the hospital I sat in the room with Jay for a while,I felt like she can hear what I was saying.

I loved her to death and idk what I'll do if I lost her.

Rihanna been helpful and understanding,Not once did she complain and that's why I'm with her,It's like she gets me more than anybody else but Jay.


I was gonna be staying at the house for a while and I told Rihanna to stay with her cousin because I didn't think it was smart to have her here too.

I took Zania to Jaylens room and laid her in her crib,I turned on the baby monitor and went to take a shower.

My mind was everywhere rn,I didn't know what I was gonna do at this point.I put my career on hold which was a risk but I didn't care because my family came first and before anything.

After my shower I got dressed and went in the room and sat in the love seat and fell asleep.....


"Chris are you hungry"Akeeya asked coming in the room while I fed Zania

"Nah,Thanks tho"I said

"You have to eat something,I made some chilli"She said

"I don't have too much of an appetite"

"Well I can take Zania for a while if you wanna get some sleep"

"Aight,Thanx"I said

I finished feeding her burped her and laid her back down.

"Daddy,wanna play cars"Zayden asked standing in the doorway,I smiled

"Sure lil man"I said walking over and picking him up and sitting him in the middle of the floor.

I took Zania out her crib and put her in her bassinet and sat her next to me.

We sat on the floor and played for a while and for the first time in 3 days I felt like myself.....

Bree and Alonna came over for a while to take care of  Zania and Zayden.

I decided to go to the studio and work on a few songs to clear my head.......

Bree's Pov

We were sitting in the living room,I was holding sleeping Zania.

"I'm worried about Chris"Alonna said

"Yea me too, I think it's killing him seeing Jay like that"Akeeya said

"Guys the only thing we can do is try our best to help out right now,We all need each other so let's just have their backs until shit get better "I said

"I still can't believe this happened to her"Alonna said

We all stayed quiet for a minute

"I'm gonna go put her in her crib"I said getting up

After laying her down I started to cry,Jay was like the strongest of all of us so watching her go through  this was terrible especially after everything she's been through alone before for this moment,She didn't deserve this shit.

The best thing we can do is pray this all gets better.....

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