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I watched my beloved boyfriend lay there, his face had lost his colour, his cheeks weren't bright, his eyelids, showed tiredness. My heart broke, seeing him like this.

I held his cold hands whilst sitting very close to him, i rest my head in his chest, I could his faint heartbeat signalling a small sign of life within him.

I just wanted him alive and well, I would trade anything right now to be in Felix's position instead, the boy I fell in love with years ago, falling for his funny antics.

My boyfriend who has a dance major, currently working on becoming a professional dancer, the boy who I could never get a break from because he was constantly moving.

Was tired, was laying, not moving a single muscle, my heart broke and broken more and more the more I overthought the situation. Even when he was sleeping his would still move.

The only thing that made Felix Felix right now was his freckles, I loved his freckles, I knew how self conscious he was growing up of his freckles he was but I adored them.

We didn't have a stereotypical love, we took it slow, we weren't like any other couple, but like most we were friends, best mates even, but something ignited, the spark we have right now.

"Felix... lix you can't leave me alright?" I cried into his blanket, when suddenly his monitor started to bleep, my eyes widened from the sound, everything was blurred.

I was sat in my room, after spending my day with my now best friend Kim Seungmin, rascal he was mind, we talked about moving in together because it was cheaper and we were both lonely as.

But not right now, we both didn't really have the money, i was much more happier and content about the fact that I now had my bestfriend back.

I had all the items we shared put back in some places, except for some kissing or stuff like that, we were just friends and that's fine, the end of the day we had always been best friends.

I smiled whilst looking at all the memories, quickly rushing through my head. I was about to lay down on my bed when someone had called me, Han Jisung the contact name stated.

Me and Jisung weren't really that close but he was Minho's ex, but ever since I had broken up with Seungmin I had slept with him a couple of times, mainly to ease my mind. I honestly didn't really care for the younger.

I groaned to myself, muttering "if he asks to have sex I will punch this wall" don't get me wrong he was good but I don't know him very well nor do I just want to use someone as sex, it felt wrong.

"Hello...?" I answered the phone waiting for Jisung to answer.

"Can I ask you a favour Hyunjin?" I heard Jisung's voice over the phone,

"If you want to have sex, no I'm not interested" I said in a sullen tone

"No no that's not what I'm asking for, but if you do this favour I'll give you something back in return..." His voice echoed

"Well what is it and what is the other end of the deal huh?" I replied back half dryly.

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