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He was losing blood, a lot of it as well, due to the injuries parts of his blood actually was clot and is no longer usable, however he did need a blood doner.

However everyone I knew didn't have the same blood type as Felix. Felix was that unique he has to risk his life for death. At this point I wanted to break down and cry.

"Sir... Changbin, seo changbin" My heart jumped a beat, startled by the female doctor, she cleared her voice smiling softly, "now sir if you were paying attention, we do have an AB doner, and that we can transfer blood and give him some sort of medication to stop the blood from clotting, but he should be okay by tomorrow"

My eyes softened, my hands resting on top of my heart, I could feel it do flips and tricks and all sorts, I smiled bowing to the lady in thankfulness, I really do get my Felix back.

It was just me and Felix, I had called a taxi for Minho to go home as I didn't want him to be so stressed and I ought for him to sleep and go to work as he hasn't been working, and knowing him I didn't want him to get fired from another part-time job.

I held Felix hand staring at him, squeezing his hand more, hoping he would be okay and the doctors pushed him to another room to get blood transferred to his body. I could only sigh and hesitate whilst watching him leave.

Did I believe in a God? No. But I do hope that there is someone out their who can hear my screams and yelps for help, even if it's not me who's fighting, but sure I am struggling.

And hour felt like forever, especially sitting outside the waiting room of a hospital waiting for your loved ones. I was fiddling with my fingers, hoping that time would pass quicker, or maybe I would just stare at the clock but if I'm going to be honest it felt like time was going slower rather than faster.

"Mr Seo, Felix he is in great condition, his wounds will still be painful but we can talk about that tomorrow when we discharge him, but you can come in, he's awake!" Another unfamiliar Doctor enthusiastically said smiling at me.

I could help but let out a sigh golf relief, he was okay, it felt like thousands on tones were released off my back, and I could finally breathe, I ran into the room as quickly as I could, too see Felix.

Running in, I saw his eyes light up as our eyes met, his smile was there but it was very weak, despite his glowing aura, I could sense how exhausted he was, I never knew he would come to terms like this, but he was alive and that was all that mattered to me.

"Felix! Your okay, baby your okay" I whimpered, going in for a hug, I wasn't the biggest cryer, but I felt tear drops fall out my eyes, "Binnie, it's okay, I'm fine... I'm awake baby okay?" Felix replied tiredly, patting my back.

"I was scared I would lose you... don't ever do that again, I have already filed a complaint and a report about Jisung... Don't ever do something that barbaric without me again, lix why didn't you tell me you were going to see Jisung" I pleaded.

I watched Felix shrug his shoulders, "wanted and explanation from him, but he stabbed me that's all," My boyfriend laughed, my eyes opened wide, "a stab? That's all? You must be out of your mind lix, that stab was life threatening" I exclaimed almost exasperated.

Felix chuckled again, "well I'm here now aren't I?" I just nodded knowing that I was just glad he was alright.


I woke up in a semi comfortable position, my eyes fluttered over to the older, seeing him sleeping, I frowned looking at the position he was in, the amount of discomfort he must of been in, I could I only feel bad.

Last night I did try my best to tell Changbin to go home and rest, because the past three days it looked as if he hasn't been sleeping very well, but he argued and told me if he didn't stay I would be kidnapped, and he wouldn't want that happening.

I took my phone from the bedside cabinet, well table I guess, Minho must've gotten a hold of it whilst talking me too the Hospital, surprisingly it still have a solid 20% left in my phone.

I just switched it on and the amount of notifications I had, from my boss, friends, family members, all asking me about my health and condition, I saw a glimpse of a message from my dance manager saying I had a month off.

Knowing Changbin he probably told him to do so, my manager wasn't the most lenient person ever, but knowing my current state, being in a lot of pain, especially my core I don't think I can dance at this rate.

"Lix? Your awake?" A gruffly deep voiced echoed in the small clean room, I nodded looking at the restless older, his hair was all messed up, I watched him as he rubbed his eyes.

"Felix once you get discharged we should home and order some pizza or something, I've taken this week and next week off work!"

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