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Liked by bahng.chann and 12 others
Hihi thank you @ minholuvscats for taking pics for me !! :D <3
   hyvnjiniscutie : what a cutie!!
—> innieyanng : agreed ^^
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"Kim seungminnie aren't you so adorable" Minho cooed out in front of me, I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my embarrassment from his compliments.

"Your cute Minho..." I quietly replied, I saw the older smirk a little, "what was that?" He answered, I widened my eyes, almost gasping in disbelief.

To be honest before I could say anything else, he placed a gentle kiss my lips, not releasing that someone had apparently taken a picture of us, but I did hear a clicking.

I was a taken back, as my cheeks turned red, and I heard Minho chuckle a little bit from my reaction, but he was also scratching his head feeling a little anxious.

"Why'd you do that!" I whined into my sleeves, not daring to connect eye contact with him, "what.. you didn't like it?" He answered huskily, "no! It's not that-" I heard him laugh in front of me.

I ran my fingers through my brown hair, trying to cool myself down, my heart was beating scarily fast, I didn't want to admit it but I had fallen for the charismatic boy.

I thought I vowed to not fall for someone again, but I only ended up lying to myself, it started off with just wanting to help him and his abusive relationship.

And even then I did a rubbish job as he hasn't said anything about it to me, but I had met him multiple times since the day I met him again, I didn't want to assume but did the stars really plan everything out.

Well no. I never believed that sort of stuff but a part of me did, a very small ittie part of me did, wanting to believe that maybe love comes along and picks me up...

"Felix, Changbin? The fuck you two doing here?" The older's voice startled me, shaking my head to get myself back into reality, I opened my eyes to see a couple giggling sitting on the table behind us.

Minho stood up crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows that's when I saw a picture of myself and Minho sharing the kiss we had earlier.

So that was the clicking sound from earlier I muttered quietly so no one could hear, I blushed harshly resting my face on the table, I felt Minho rub my head ever so slightly, whilst he scolded his friends.

"Seungmin! It's so nice to meet you again" Felix waved, I nodded, "likewise aha!" I awkwardly answered.

"Hey Uh you don't mind if we steal Minho for a little bit do ya?" Changbin scratched his head as he asked me, I shrugged my shoulders, "go on, I don't mind.." i replied.

He flashed me a quick smile and nod, most likely as a quick thankful, but Felix also mouthing a thank you, whilst grabbing Minho by the ear to go outside of the cafe.

Despite the fact Minho was rather introverted he had quite a lot of friends and connections, something I always envied about him, I was loud and open but I didn't have many friends.

I had always worried about my grades and doing well for my parents, everything was for them, I dedicated my life towards school for them, taking law even if I didn't like it.

This lead me to not having much of a social life, sure I had a few things I was passionate for but, I only really had Hyunjin, which is why I'm so thankful for him, but I sometimes wish I didn't waste much of my life on books.

To be honest was getting into the top law school in Seoul was it even worth it at this point, I was on school break, but my life as of right now evolved around school and work.

But my parents were in dept, their company ended up going bankrupt, and I needed to help pay their loans off, otherwise the situation could get worse, however whilst working two part time jobs and going to school full time, i struggled.

Mainly with money, I had to pay rent, and the bills, fortunately working my butt off did half pay off, as I did receive a scholarship for my course, why I'm I still going to school you may ask? Money, to make my parents proud. I would have to put aside at least £500 a month, for my parents.

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