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Me and Seungmin were walking back to his apartment, which he stated was a rather lengthy walk, but I personally didn't mind, I felt bad for him covering over the little accident prior an hour ago.

Me and the taller exchanged small talk, passing on different topic now again, I liked it, something about him drew me in. "I'm sorry about earlier..." i quietly mentioned, I watched him motion a small nod.

He paused, hesitating to answer, "it's okay, it's your second day, I don't really want you fired..." he looked at me, grabbing onto the takeaway bags tighter.

I smiled and let out a shaky breath, the amount of guilt trapped inside me was unreal, even after hearing Seungmin say those words something was missing.

"I'm seriously Minho... I like your company your nice, and I do need a friend to talk to too..." he blurred out, I felt my cheeks go a tint, some sort of happiness kicking in.

I laughed at his small remark, and adorableness, I paused to calm myself down a little, Seungmin carried on walking until he notice I stopped walking so he turned around.

I was rather helpless at this point, I gazed at his big brown eyes, they were warm, safe innocent like, I smiled at the younger, only to receive a cheeky wink in return, I scoffed jokingly, then chasing him.

We stopped by at a some what familiar park to sit and rested for a little, "you know next time we should go on the bus together!" The tall brunette suggested, I nodded, giving a 'why' expression in return.

"Well there's many reasons but it would be fun, public transport is fun if we make it fun, it's also relaxing at times, also we wouldn't have to walk aha!" He answered.

I nodded in return, thinking his idea was great, it was around 11pm now, and we had to go, but we weren't too fazed, sitting in a park late a night, the loud cars roaring away in the distance.

Suddenly as I indulged within the bench, Seungmin decided to stand up and grab my hand, which made my stomach start to twist and twirl, running into a block of apartments, which were familiar too me, but weren't too clear due to the dark.

I found myself smiling like some sort of complete idiot, but I didn't even notice, because I was too into hanging around with Seungmin and trying to process the moment.

I finally realised that we were in Seungmin's apartment block, he entered the password into the keypad, letting me come in, I was confused as I was only suppose to drop him off, but he seemed like he insisted so I walked in.

The smell of paint lingered, I carefully looked at everything, little details had changed from the last times I visited, but I wouldn't know if I was right or wrong.

I felt beads of sweat run down my head from all the running, once I heard Seungmin's let's click to unlocking his front door, he dashed in, smiling softly, letting me in to.

"Yo Seungmin what I'm I doing here...?" I asked timidly, taking my shoes and coat off to follow Seungmin, "oh you haven't eaten dinner, have dinner with me: I insist, auntie song normally packs a lot for me anyways..." he answered.

I wasn't really hungry nor was in the mood for food today, "I'm not hungry, I don't feel like eating min..." I added, Seungmin turned around and looked at me eyes wide opened.

He shook his head, and frowned a little, "please eat a little, you'll be hungry later, and you need to eat for energy..." he said out loud. I just sat down, as Seungmin opened the takeaway boxes.

He opened a container of fresh sticky rice for me, it was still warm, I watched him grab a pair of chopsticks for me, and himself. As he did so, he put lots of meat and vegetables into my rice container.

I just smiled, not really sure how I felt, I didn't know how to feel either, I was too busy being lost in my thoughts, that I didn't hear Seungmin sigh, he was crossing his arms.

He started to move towards me and scooped rice into his chopsticks and put it at the tip of my lips, I was startled, staring into Seungmin's eyes directly, I don't remember ever being this close to him.

I felt my cheeks start to flush and go red, I opened my mouth hesitant to eat anything, i savoured the rice in my mouth anxiously. But I was focusing on Seungmin, he had a little bit of rice on the corner of his lips.

I took the rice grain off his lip, only to be hit with Seungmin cheeks going a bright pink, I apologised realising what I had done, and also went a pink. Again.

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