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Tuesday, 3pm, absolutely tired, I spent the whole of last night facetimeing Seungmin, worth it, but the aftermath not so it, I don't even wanna start, online drinking session...

Seungmin betted he could drink more bottles of soju than me, obviously I beat him, but I was left with a banging headache, I don't even remember who I am at this point.

Anyways, I woke up a while ago and I was just trying refresh myself, I'd see him at work later tonight, that's when my phone rang. Strange, I didn't know who would call me at such a time, maybe chan?

I picked up the phone to see the name, only for it to come up as no caller ID, again weird. I picked it up without much thought of suspicion.

MH : hello... hello?

? : Long time I haven't heard you in awhile babe

MH : babe...? who are you?

? : I'm hurt you can't recognise me... kitten ring a bell?

MH : Han Jisung? I thought I blocked you

JS : well surprise! I miss you~

MH : your crazy

JS : crazy for you my love

MH : we're not together anymore

JS : we never broke it off

MH : only an idiot would say that

JS : what does he have that I don't Minho?

MH : what do you mean...

JS : that Seungmin guy, is it because he's clever? Hard working? Or is he more handsome than me?

MH : he's non of your concern Jisung, now of you don't mind me I'm ending this call

JS : don't. Come to my apartment now

MH : who the hell do you think your talking to

JS : i would be quiet if I were you, you know I am so much more capable of harming you, and your loved ones

MH : don't touch Seungmin

JS : I'm not planning to, yet

MH : ...

JS : come over to mine, we can discuss things then, okay?

Called ended

A shiver ran down my spine, I didn't want to go back to the apartment, too many bad memories and flashbacks embarked in my head forever, almost impossible to forget.

I had to go to his apartment, whether I liked it all or, I wasn't going to tell Seungmin either about my crazy ex, not right now I didn't think it was the right time too yet.


I arrived at the traumatising scene, so many bad things happened here to myself, not to mention the last time I came here Felix almost died.

I couldn't imagine what it was like inside, it use to look so bright and welcoming but the whole building no longer looked like the place myself and Jisung first rented.

The windows were either smashed, cracked, blacked-out even, the doors were half there and the parking lot had zero cars, I assumed everyone since a couple months had moved out, for reasons.

But I didn't realise that it was that bad. I walked in and the first thing that hit me was the strong smell, I couldn't say it was a pleasant smell...

Claiming on the dirt ridden stairs to the very top of the floor, my heart paced faster and faster, and I just wanted to go, maybe go home, or Seungmin's apartment that felt like home too.

I reached up to the familiar door, still a navy blue however this time some of the paint seemed to have peels off and the number 14 was no longer as visible as it use to be.

Right Minho it was just a chat...

Before I could knock on the door Jisung had already opened it, he smiled widely at me, as if he was anticipating my arrival, I stood there blank, as he moved to the side and welcomed me in.

Ever since I've been here or the last time it seemed a lot as changed, but it looked I guess nicer, he must've done some sort of renovations, but i couldn't help but wonder why this flat looked so good when it looked as if it could be demolished any day.

I cautiously followed him to the living room, same tv same sofa new coffee table, I sat quietly down, picking the skin of my fingers, trying to avoid Jisung's gaze.

"Minho let me cut straight to the point, let's be together, and and i won't lay a single finger on Seungmin"

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