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I woke up rather tired, but just as I was about to fall back to sleep, my phone started to ring, Hwang Hyunjin. Funny I haven't heard from him in awhile and we weren't really close.

I hesitated to pick up the call but did so anyway, "hyunjin? can I help you..."

HJ : Ah Minho... I have a problem it's about Jisung.

MH : Not that mother fucker, what has he done now?

HJ : I think he blackmailed me...

MH : what do you mean?

HJ : he said he would kill Seungmin if I didn't-

MH : Seungmin? What- if you didn't what hyunjin? Actually no Hyunjin, you'll be okay, me and my mates are have reported him to the police, their getting him today and he will be in court and hopefully face jail.

HJ : but-

MH : Hyunjin we will be okay alright? I promise, nothing will happen to Seungmin, I know neither of us will let anything happen.

HJ : I just don't know Minho

MH : trust me on this one okay?

HJ : mhm...

MH : alright you should go back to your day, don't worry so much, if anything doesn't happen I'll do something about it.

We ended the call, it was rather strange but I didn't want to worry Hyunjin so much, but I could help but have something lurking in the back of my mind. Constantly bugging me, maybe a warning. No I'm just being paranoid.

I checked the time only to see a message from Changbin saying Felix was okay and he's awake, ready to be discharged. I couldn't help but smile knowing one of my best mates was now okay.

I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with my day, I didn't actually start this part time job until 7pm, it was new job: I had actually worked once because of some complications but I was determined to work today.

I looked around to have thought that Chan must've left already, I sometimes forgot Chan lived in his own apartment, he was rarely ever home, either at his studio producing music, at his jobs or at Jeongin's house. Which always made me feel bad for just invading his personal space.He would say it's okay but I just couldn't help but feel guilty.

I decided to freshen up myself and get changed, I was most likely going to stay at home as I still felt like shit, and I just didn't have the energy in me to do anything productive, also I was broke and had no money left as I spent my whole wage for the last three weeks.

I walked into the kitchen to see Chan had bought groceries, filling the house, only because I was here, Chan realistically never really bought loads of food for himself, he would either eat the same thing or order take out.

I read a little sticky note Chan stuck to the table stating "I won't be home tonight, -love chan ;)" I laughed at my bestfriend silly remark.

Today I decided to eat some oats I found as it was quick and simple to make, after that I went straight to the sofa to lay and spread my sore body out watching the telly very carefully.

Out of instinct I only ate half the bowl, I didn't even make much. But I just admit, ever since I did get back with Jisung my eating habits gotten worse, living life as a college student not having much money was hard as it was.

But living with someone who would constantly harm me, I felt sick to the bone and never wanted to eat. I was getting better, but nowadays it just had seem to be getting worse.

I never ought to care so much though, it was a struggle yes, but what could I do, if I forced food down I would be sick, I just wanted to be okay for once, it wasn't looking at food, it was more of the thought of just losing my appetite during certain situations.

But everyone has there own struggles right? Nevermind I guess, I decided to just read and clean go on about my day inside of Chan's apartment before I start work.

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