bonus #1

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First Christmas
It was the evening of Christmas Eve. As of right now Seungmin was frantically searching for a Christmas gift for his lover Minho. This would be their first ever Christmas together, they had been with each other for a number of months now (exactly 8) and here we had Seungmin in the shopping centre panicking. Seungmin was going to spending Christmas with his mates, including Minho in Chans apartment complex, he was very excited, so thrilled that he had finished his shopping prior for his friends, but couldn't seem to know what to get his own boyfriend.

He scrolled whilst drinking a sweet latte, vanilla to be exact, the sweetness and the bitterness intertwined with one and other, the warmth filling up his cold stomach. He was now outside, and he had seen something that caught his eye animal rescue shelter this could be interesting, Seungmin knew Minho was good with pets and he knew he had such a bond for cats, especially because he grew up with a cat. Without even thinking Seungmin went over to see what he could do.

Minho was working his last shift of the year in the dance studio, he had recently taken over a small studio, which had now become something permanent as well as something he could enjoy and adore, something passionate that filled his heart fully. Minho was tired and exhausted. He and Seungmin had also recently moved in together, nothing much but all Minho did was move into Seungmin's apartment (which was very nice) and now with Minho living with his boyfriend rent was easier to manage.

Minho and Seungmin had also learnt how to drive within this time frame, so as Minho was driving home on this cold busy night, he wasn't expecting much at all, nothing in all honestly. His heart was full, everything seemed just right, he reflects on this current month, thus current year even, how he fell in love with Seungmin, or just thinking back on how Seungmin looked whilst baking cookies with Felix, the Christmas tree too.

Seungmin's eyes brightened as Minho carried the new Christmas tree into the flat, it was nothing amazing, actually it was fake, but Seungmin seemed to be the happiest person alive as of the current. The two set up the Christmas tree almost frantically, the red and green shiny baubles which had a mixture of different styles, glitter, matte and many more in so many different colours. The little room felt cosy and magical, Minho remembered precisely on how the two held the star, that stood out, two hands enclosed within each other whilst placing it in the very top of the tree.

Minho smiled to himself, and if anyone had seen him you would've thought he had gone mad. He parked the car when he arrived, Christmas this year felt special, warm and loving, he left the car and walked towards the apartments. As he walked inside the flat of his home, everything smelt marvellous. You could smell vanilla scented candles and the smell of warm freshly cooked food.

Minho was greeted with a peck on his lips, as Seungmin seemed to welcoming him in with warm arms. Seungmin was not working today, his office gave him and his co workers a week off for Christmas, which Seungmin took great advantage of. This meant being able to actually give himself time as well as tidy the house and cook proper food instead of
ordering takeaway every two days.

"Wait- before we have dinner I want to give you your Christmas present early..." Seungmin said with much eager, Minho simply nodded as he sat on the living room sofa, waiting for Seungmin to come back. "I hope you do love it..." Seungmin said carrying a rather heavy box, which seemed to be small yet was a struggled for him to hold.

The box was in a sparkly gold, glitter everywhere, it had a lid where you could easily come off as well as a white bow to finish of everything. He carefully handed it to the shorter male, unsure of how the reaction of Minho would be. Minho examined the box which was now placed onto his lap, he could hear something... but he wasn't 100% sure.

He looked at Seungmin once again, he hesitated and took in a deep breath and opened the box, his jaw almost dropped as he immediately picked up the cat that was within the box, this beautiful grey cat placed with stripes, as well as these vibrant green eyes, Minho quickly held onto the cat as if his life had depended on it, Seungmin was quick to take a picture of this sentimental moment, he couldn't smiling at the image of it.

"I'm actually speechless Seungmin, this is the best present I could ever received , after you... but you shouldn't have" Minho almost whispering, Seungmin hugged him, whilst shaking his head, petting the kitten, whom seemed to have the brightest eyes ever. "Your a parent now Minho!" Seungmin joked, happy with the reaction he had received, Minho shook his head, "no- we're parents Seungmin!" His eyes flickering towards the kitten and his loved one.


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