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Almost restless I was, it was very late at night, Seungmin was snuggled up against me, barely asleep in my (chans) apartment. Chan said he was at Jeongin's for reasons we won't discuss this instance, but I insisted on taking him home as Chan's place was closer. He agreed after numerous protests.

He had his eyes closed, he was wearing one of my shirts and his boxers, he had his head resting on my chest, as my heart beat. His eyes were closed and his breathing was tense, i frowned at this sight. "You okay seung?" I whispered into his ear.

He nodded as he turned his body to face my chest, which was unclothed. He applied more pressure to try relax onto the pillow the I saw the discomfort in his eyes, "it's not the bed that's uncomfortable, I just have a lot on my mind right now" Seungmin quietly mumbled, eyes still closed.

I brought myself closer for some reason, almost holding him even. I felt him start to relax a little bit. I mentally smiled, even I was stressed with what happened within the last 24hrs, let alone Seungmin.

"What was he like?" I heard him stutter out as he started to stir again, sitting up this time, staring out at the balcony view, peeping through the curtains. "Who?" I replied, I knew who he was talking about but still asked.

"Your ex, Jisung what really happened?" He continued, linking on from the question he asked prior, I sat up next to him as I rested my head on his shoulder as he laid his head on the head of the board, I muttered out a few gibberish words, unsure of what to say.

"We were happy, you know typical relationship, but I guess he was the loving type but very independent too, but it all went downhill when he broke up with me for the first time" I started, Seungmin just stayed silent, assuming he wasn't going to say anything I carried on.

"I met you, but we were only like beneficial for each other, right person wrong time?" I looked as Seungmin as he purses his lips, "you mean that?" He spoke pretty much interrupting me, I nodded, "yeah, I mean I like you a lot, every time I look at you I fall harder"

I felt the heat of pink immerse to my cheeks as I said those words, Seungmin then kissed the top of my head, "I do too, your different and only you make me feel flustered" he mumbled softly into my head, words still being unheard, but I still all of it.

We didn't do much but we stayed like that until we drifted asleep.


I woke up to the sound of Seungmin clattering around the flat, my eyes aches, and I rubbed them only making the worse than they already were. "Seungminnie-ah what's are you doing up so early?" I questioned almost yelping.

"Stealing your clothes and cleaning your apartment, ljke Jesus Christ" he commented, I remained lazily laid down on the bed, turning over to see him going through my suitcase, my blurry vision saw him wearing a new set of clothes (which belonged to me.) He was wearing a blue shirt, with a pair of black cargo trousers, which seemed to have fitted him perfectly, as I normally had to cuff them.

He was sitting their reorganising my clothes from my suitcase, I shook my head as I picked up my glasses to see what he was actually doing, only to see Chan's room tidy, for once in an actually eternity, I had a proper look at Seungmin and he looked good, the clothes complimented him a lot.

I got up from bed, and Seungmin threw a plain white oversized shirt towards me, I ought he told me to put it on, which I did, "I'm gonna go into the kitchen" he gave me the thumbs up, I walked in to the smell of vanilla? I saw in the bin there were used candles (Seungmin must've used them) which fortunately made our the whole flat not smell of sweaty men for once.

The flat was clean too, "Seungmin you didn't have to clean the flat!" I shouted into the bedroom

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