|8| SEMI

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      Shirabu has been avoiding me a lot for the past couple days. It's pissing me off to no end. Kenma doesn't know what's wrong with him, no one does, because he's not opening up to anyone. I mean, I guess part of it is my fault in a sense. Well, maybe all of it is my fault.

     I kidnapped him because he's related to Akihiro. My goal in life is to kill Akihiro before I die. I will still use Kenjirou to grab his grandfather's attention. If I even can, that is. Based on what Kenjirou went through, his grandfather was probably part of it. (Idk? I forgot lmao.)

     Doesn't even make any sense anymore. I'm supposed to be this badass Mafia boss that everyone is afraid of. Not someone whose personality is being destroyed just because of someone that he barely knows. God forbid he falls in love with him.

     I'm currently in an alleyway somewhere in Los Angeles with Ushijima and Kiyoomi. Ushijima is the underboss, and Kiyoomi is the captain of our little troop. Although we never really use troops, it's just a label I guess.

     We're supposed to meet someone here to trade up something. I'm after documents, and I'm not sure what this person wants in return. If he has them, and shows me proof, I'll do whatever I can to get those documents without killing the person. But of course, I won't hesitate to kill them.

     "You look tired, Semi." Sakusa asks while twirling his pistol around his index finger.

     "Oh really? I thought it wasn't obvious." I reply sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

     "You fell right into his sarcasm. Thought you were smarter than that." Ushijima teases, grinning at a scowling raven.

     "Oh shut up farm boy, you walk into his traps all the time because the only thing you focus on is either Tendou's ass, or keeping your stoic facial expression." Sakusa challenges, pushing himself up from the brick wall and stands directly in front of Ushijima.

     These two fight all the time. Whether it's arguments, or straight up physical fights. You'd think Ushijima would win in a physical fight because he's a pretty buff man. But Sakusa wins. Every. Single. Time. He has more strategy, and since he's not just pure muscle mass, he has faster reflexes which helps tremendously.

     It's funny, really.

     The two shut up and look towards the end of the alleyway as I too look in that direction. A man wearing all black walks up to us. His hair is a dirty blonde, and his eyes are hazel. He reminds me of Kenjirou..

     "State your name." Sakusa demands, standing beside me along with Ushijima.

     "That doesn't matter.. All that does matter, is that I have the documents you're so desperately after." The man pulls out a file from his backpack and waves it in front of my face. Just as I was about to snatch it, he pulled it away with a smirk.

     "Ah ah, nope. No deal until you give me what I want."

     "Then what do you want?"

     The dirty blonde clicks his tongue as he pulls his phone from his hoodie pocket. He unlocks his phone and pulls up a picture. My eyes widen and my jaw clenches. "NO FUCKING WAY!" I shout; anger coursing through my entire body at the picture he holds up. It's Kenjirou smiling brightly while tilting his head to the side.

     "If I can't have my brother back.. Then you won't have these documents. I thought you were ruthless? Or do you have a soft spot for that brat?" He pauses to show off a sickening smirk. "The way he screamed and begged for me to stop.. Was just music to my ears.."

     Within a second, I grab onto his neck and slam him against the brick wall. I lean forward, my face inches from his. "You got some fucking nerve talking about him like that.. You want to die? DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! HUH?! 'CAUSE I FUCKING WILL!" I shout through gritted teeth.

     "Now, now, Semi, remember what Kenjirou said. He wants to get his revenge on him and his parents." Ushijima states bluntly. Sakusa snickers at the scene unfolding in front of him.

     "Heh.. You're right, Ushijima.. But.. a little stab wound wouldn't hurt.. Right? HAHA YOU GOT YOURSELF INTO THIS SITUATION! COULDN'T KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT, NOW COULD YOU?!" I tighten my grip on his neck, and his face becomes pale from fear.

     "H-He's a s-slut.." Dylan chokes out, a cocky smirk making its way onto his face.

     ".... I'm refraining from killing you.. Right here.. Right now.. You're going to wish you were dead."


     I kick the front door open, still pissed off from earlier. Ushijima drags Dylan inside by his neck, and Sakusa follows close behind. Everyone in the living room, including Kenjirou, looked in our direction.

     Dylan groans when Sakusa kicks his legs from behind, forcing him onto his knees. "Whoa, why do you look so mad? And what in the hell happened?" Bokuto asks curiously.

     "This man.. Is Kenjirou's brother. And trust me, I'm trying so hard to not kill him right now." I spat. My body relaxes once my gaze lands on Kenjirou. Although that is replaced with worry when his eyes gloss over. Kenma and Tendou rush to him and hug him.

     "Awww isn't my little brother happy to see-" Before Dylan can finish his sentence, I whip around and kick him in the stomach. He groans and doubles over. I kneel down and grab a fistful of his hair, forcing him to look at me.

     "Listen here.. Dylan. I'm going to make you regret any and every decision you made. ESPECIALLY REGARDING KENJIROU. You're a sick and twisted man. If he won't kill you, which he will, then I will." I let out a sarcastic laugh before slamming his face into the floor. He groans lowly.

     With an exhausted sigh, I stand up and look at everyone else in the room before turning back to Sakusa and Ushijima. "Take him to the concrete room. And make sure the chains are tight." Just as I was about to go upstairs, Dylan spoke.

     "I really don't know what you see in him. The only good thing about him is that body of his.."

     I let out a deep sigh as I toss my head back, drinking in the soft sobs coming from Kenjirou. I tilt my head slightly and look down at him with my peripheral vision. My eyes furrowed slightly, and my eyes relaxed.

     Everything drowns out. And that's when I lost my mind. I whip around and pull Dylan from Ushijima's grasp and slam him against the wall. "I can think of many different ways of killing you. Do you even know who you're messing with? You're messing with the King.. and his Queen. Mess with him.. YOU MESS WITH ME! I don't give a flying fuck anymore if he's a Shirabu.. I will make him mine so he doesn't have to live with that family name. He deserves more in this world, and you kept his escape hidden." After my small speech, I yank Dylan back and toss him to the floor before I land a kick on his stomach.

     Before I can walk away, Kenjirou breaks free from Kenma and Tendou's hug and rushes over to me. He jumps into my arms and connects his lips with mine. At first my body stiffens, but then I melt into it.

     "AHAAAAAAAA EHEHEHEEEE!" Oikawa, Atsumu, and Tendou scream, while the others whistle. The first one to pull away is me, as I look down into his glossy eyes. I lean down and press my lips against his forehead before wrapping my arms around his waist.

     Glancing at Dylan, he trembles under my gaze. "Now you're really in trouble.."

     I'm going to kill anyone who dares to touch my Queen. 

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 [𝐒𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚; 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now