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     "Love, why do you look so pissed off?" Eita asks, eyeing me in confusion. I slowly shake my head and cross my arms over my chest. I'm not in the greatest mood and I have no idea. All I know is that I woke up pretty upset.

     Could have something to do with the nightmare I had last night. Of course it revolved around what Kiyoomi told me a couple nights ago. The dream I had was of me being held by my grandfather, who had a knife to my throat while Eita was tied up in a chair sobbing. I woke up when my throat was slashed open.

     It felt so real, almost too real to the point I couldn't tell what was real and what was not after I woke up.

     "Just a little tired." I mumble, continuing to walk alongside Eita. We're at a nearby park walking around.

     "Does it have something to do with how you woke up sweating and panting last night?" He asks in concern. I sigh and nod slowly, pressing my body to the side against Eita's body. At this, he chuckles and swings an arm around my shoulder.

     "Because of the frequent nightmares, I've been feeling a little sick and tired. I keep jumping at the smallest sound that is made, and when someone comes up from behind me. You're not going to like what I'm about to say, but sometimes I wish that I could sleep forever."

     "Yeah, you're right, I don't like that. But Kenji, nothing bad is going to happen. Kiyoomi, Ushijima, and I are close to coming up with a foolproof plan. I love you, and I'm doing everything I can to keep you safe. Once this is over, I'm taking you somewhere that I know you'll love." He says the last part before leaving a gentle kiss on my forehead.

     "Heh.. I'll be looking forward to it. And I love you too." I respond with a smile, looking up at the ash blonde with sparkling eyes. He melts on the spot as his face reddens from the blush creeping up his neck.

     "You know, you're really not as intimidating when you get flustered like that." I add, which causes Eita to frown. He rolls his eyes before kissing me once more, but on the lips this time. "Still love the fact that you're whipped for me." I chuckle against his lips, standing on my tip toes and wrapping my arms around his neck.

     "Well? Who could blame me? You're adorable. And sexy." Eita says softly, pulling away and snaking his arms around my waist. I frown, looking down at the ground before looking back up again. "Love, is something wrong?"

     "No.. Not really. I just.. What do you love about me?" At my question, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

     "I love your personality, the way you go nuts when you see something you like. I love your clinginess, it makes me feel happy and helps keep the stress away. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you're talking to me about what you want your future to turn out. I love how you sometimes act childish when you don't get something you want. I love your voice and your cute bangs.." Eita pauses, pushing my bangs aside to look at my face more clearly. "I just love you. You are the only person who I ever fell in love with over the 27 years I have been alive."

     My eyes start to water as my bottom lip quivers. So he really does love me. I never thought he would have that many reasons for loving me, but he proved me wrong.. So easily.

     "Heh.. That makes me feel better." I say with a small smile, looking up into Eita's dark eyes. He leans down and kisses my forehead gingerly. The feeling of his lips pulling away makes me pout.

     "Why? Were you doubting my love for you?"

     "..I'm just insecure." Digging my face into the crook of his neck, he sighs before holding me tighter.

     "I know it's hard not to feel that way, but I will remind you every day that I still love you." He says softly before letting go and gesturing for us to continue walking. I intertwine our fingers and gaze at the scenery around us.

     This is quite peaceful if I'm being honest. There's not a lot of people out, which I'm thankful for because of my social anxiety.

     "Thank you for coming into my life.. Even if it wasn't the best way of meeting." I say quietly, looking at the ground as we walk slowly.

     "Yeah. Honestly, I had no idea I would fall in love with you. I did think you were attractive, but I thought it was just me at the time. Of course though, I was wrong. Incredibly wrong. I couldn't help the thoughts that went through my head."

     "And those thoughts were?"

"I kept thinking how cute you looked when talking to Kenma and Tendou. Also about how you would get flustered at random times, that was just adorable. And then there's.. How did someone like you end up with a terrible life. I would never admit it out loud at the time, but I wished that I could make your life better. Whether that'd be sooner or later."

     My eyebrows furrow at the last bit. It makes me question how someone could live with so many bad things happening. My parents never showed me any kind of affection. My brother didn't either, but surely that was obvious.

     I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he's dead. Eita killed him for me. And I could never be happier with the result. Dylan dying was the best thing that happened to me in all the years I've been alive. Living in fear of your sexually abusive brother coming after you.. It's something I don't ever want to relive.

     "In the end, you did make my life better. I really am grateful for everything you've done for me." My body trembles from the reminder of my past, and fortunately grabs Eita's attention. He grabs my hand gently and walks towards a bench in front of a large pond.

     After he sets me down, he kneels down in front of me. "Now you're making it seem like it's the end of our story." He states a little coldly, which leaves me confused. "It's just beginning, baby. Once this is sorted.. I'll make sure that we both live our best lives together."

     I have no idea what he's doing, but this is.. Making me cry. "And that is why.. I'm giving you this promise ring. Because I promise to marry you one day." Eita pulls out a box with a diamond ring. I immediately cover my mouth while hot tears stream down my face. The amount of happiness I'm feeling right now is unreal to me.

     "So, will you take it?" He asks with a genuine soft smile. Not wasting another moment, I lunge forward and wrap my arms around his neck.

     "Yes.. Yes I will Eita.." I mumble through soft sobs. He quickly wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tightly.

     "You will officially be mine soon enough.."

     Pulling away, I smash my lips on his. God, I love him..

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 [𝐒𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚; 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now