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     "Why." Kenma deadpans, arms crossed over his chest. Quite frankly, I'm not okay with this either. I am not a girl, and Kenma isn't either. Supposedly Akihiro is attending a VIP party at the hotel next to where I worked... Yeah, I think by now they got the memo that I quit.

     We're standing in front of the sliding patio door that leads to the large green backyard and inground pool that has a big grotto. Everyone else is just trying not to laugh, and so is Semi. Makes me hate him even more at the moment.

     "Because you two will get away with pretending to be women. Kenma, do you know how many people mistake you for a girl? Too many to count. And Kenjirou, you don't have masculine features." The ash blonde says, his weird smile signifying that he's trying not to laugh.

     "I'm not sure if we should be offended or not." I state bluntly. Kenma and I share a look before looking at Semi and Kuroo. "We're definitely offended." We speak in unison, which freaks everyone out.

     At this point, I don't even care. "And also," Kenma starts, a smirk playing on his face. "If we're doing this, then that means.. No kissing and no touching." Kuroo was about to protest before Kenma interrupted him. "Ah ah, no. You went along with this, you gotta face the consequences."

     "Same goes for you. Babe." I state as I lock eyes with Eita. His gaze challenged mine. Might as well do it again since he believes I won't back down this time. My face muscles relax as I blink a few times. He gulps, shaking out of his own world before slumping over in defeat.

     "We're gonna change now. Tendou, Kawa, Akaashi, Suna, and Atsumu. Get your sorry asses over here and help us." Kenma demands.

     After about 40 minutes Kenma and I walked down the stairs. I groan, trying to adjust the fake boobs I have on. (Bro I'm dying over here 💀) These extensions itch, what in the fucking hell.

     Once we meet the bottom of the stairs, I scowl, my eye twitches in frustration. I was about to touch my face, but Tendou grabs onto my wrists, making me whine. "Tendouuuu. This itches! I mean like, what are the purposes of false lashes?! And foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, heels, earrings, extensions, CONTACT LENSES?! And fake boobs. WHAT THE FUCK!" I shout in embarrassment, squirming around while the people behind me snicker.

     "I.. am going to strangle both of you." Kenma threatens, no emotion in his voice. I pause my squirming and snort, placing my forehead on his shoulder, laughing. "See? He's hysterical. You uncultured swines."

     Semi takes a deep breath and sighs. "Let's.. Just get you to the party." He says before walking out the door. I hang my head low, following him, along with Kuroo and Kenma following behind.


     "Remember to keep that device with you. It'll document all of your conversations. But please be careful if you spot Akihiro. Let Kenma do the luring while you try to get information on him and what he's been doing." Semi says softly, grabbing my attention.

     I look into his eyes and smile lightly. "Yeah.. I'll be careful. I love you." At this, he smiles and grabs my hand, pressing a kiss on it.

     "I love you too. Also.. your ass looks nice." I chuckle at his remark as I open the door and exit the glossy black Lamborghini Huracan. He drives off, which leaves room for the black Porsche 911 GT3 RS. Kenma steps out from it while fixing his earrings.

     "They are so dead." We say in unison, strutting, the best we can anyway, into the building, almost immediately grabbing others attention. After making it to the highest floor, our bodies stiffen due to the amount of people.

     "You go right, I'll go left." I whisper to Kenma. He nods and starts walking to the right side of the large room. His now long hair swaying with each step, and a red dress fitting his features.. And the stupid fake breasts.

     I roll my eyes and head towards the corner of the room. "Semi.. if you're listening to this. You are so dead when this is over." I mutter into my watch in a non-suspicious way. Okay, now where do I head first? There's a buffet table to my left, and a bar to my right. Both along the wall.

     Ugh, this is so scary because of my social anxiety. I take a deep breath in and toss my head back a bit, trying to keep my body relaxed. If I'm tense, people will catch on to the fact that I'm not here for the party.

     Deciding to go to the bar, I slowly but surely walked towards it. My maroon dress is tight but still flexible enough for me to make long strides. Upon making it there, someone brushes their arm against mine. I immediately freeze.

     "Relax, I'm on your side." The male says. Turning around, a very tall silver haired male looks down at me. Holy shit, he's like a fucking, tower.

     "Prove it." I demand coldly, making the man chuckle.

     "I'm friends with your boss, Semi Eita. He asked me to help you and one other person on locating Akihiro." He whispers. I frown, looking up at him.

     "..Glad to know he doesn't show me off." I say sarcastically, grabbing a glass of wine and drinking it.

     "Unfortunate for you that I know what you're talking about. You're his Queen, his boyfriend."

     "Yeah yeah." I say, walking away towards a group of people who are talking in a hallway. The lights are off, making it suspicious. Subtly, I stand by the wall, grabbing my phone and pretending to be on it while listening into the conversation.

     I can barely hear anything over the music. Dammit. How am I supposed to listen to what they are saying? I mean, I recognize my grandfather's voice, but I can't make out what any of them are saying.

     Just as I was about to move, a cold clammy hand grabs onto my wrist and pulls me into the darkness.

     "Ah.. here you are." Oh no.. It's Akihiro..

     "G-Get away from me.." I stutter, trembling under his touch as his and other men's hands glide over my body. Fully aware that I am not female.

     "This was such a.. Petty and foolish move on Semi's part. I'm surprised he didn't see this coming. Unless.." He pauses, bringing out a knife and pointing it at my stomach. The tip of it grazing onto my skin.

     "This was part of his plan? But I don't see him anywhere.. I just can't believe he left you here. Thinking you'll be safe with two others. You are the one I've been after, only because Semi Eita, the King of Italy, has fallen in love with you. Once I kill you.. He'll lose his sanity and commit suicide himself." He whispers in my ear.

     "HEY! LET HIM GO!" Kenma shouts, causing alarm for everyone inside. The guests scatter as security and bodyguards rush over to where we are. The other men that were in the hallway ran for the exit behind us.

     "Nah.. I need to kill him first. Make sure Semi Eita gets this message, okay? Tell him that it was fun watching him get all attached to this whore." Akihiro laughs bitterly, pressing the knife down more. I let out a whimper as tears streamed down my face. I knew this was a bad idea..

     "Let him go s-" Lev starts, only to be interrupted by the knife sinking into my skin. I let out a scream and fell to my knees, blood spilling from my stomach as I coughed up blood. My grandfather laughs evilly before taking off. The security guards ran after him.

     "Kenjirou.. KENJIROU?!" Kenma shouts, running towards me as I fall into his lap. He holds onto me, gently slapping my face. More blood spilling from my mouth. "SOMEONE CALL 911!' He cries out, holding me close to him.

     I'm sorry Eita..

     I love you..

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 [𝐒𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚; 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now