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Just a notice, this just happened. This isn't what I was planning.

Trigger Warning

     "You look older than I remember." I state coldly, looking down at a very bloody and bruised old man. Damn, Eita did a number on him. I'm surprised he hasn't killed him yet. But also glad he has some kind of self restraint.

     "And you look slutier than I remember." My grandfather retorts, earning a kick in the stomach by Eita.

     "My god, do you ever shut up? I'm getting tired of your pathetic insults. Honestly though, I'm just waiting for Kenjirou to give me the green light to kill you. But I guess he's waiting for the right moment." Eita says coldly, backing up and standing next to me.

     It's been a couple weeks since that incident with that experimental drug. I've forgiven Oikawa and the others who were part of it. Also forced Eita to apologize to him, even Iwaizumi. Once I heard he nearly killed Oikawa, I scolded him so bad that I didn't even want him near me for a day.

     Which he barely made it through.

     I flinch at the feeling of sudden anger radiating off of Eita's body. Looking over, he's clenching his fists. Okay, I think I should let him do it. It's kinda scaring me.

     Hesitantly I grab Eita's hand. He yanks it away, making me flinch and back away. Tears starting to sting my eyes. No, Kenjirou.. You're just overreacting. He didn't mean it, maybe he's just having a bad day. Yeah, he's just having a bad day.

     "Heh.. look what you just did." Akihiro pauses, but Eita doesn't look away from him. In complete and utter fear I back away into the corner of the room, tears beginning to fall.

     "I don't give a shit." Eita states bluntly, catching my grandfather and I off guard. What happened to him? It's like he flipped a switch.. But I can't be here anymore. I lock my eyes onto Akihiro, and his gaze turns apologetic.

     "I may be a bad man, but since he's obviously not in his right mind.. Kenjirou, leave. I don't want you watching this." At that, I place my hand over my mouth as heavy tears skid down my face. I quickly run out of the room and dash upstairs.

     Upon reaching the living room, everyone turns their attention to me. Everyone's expression just screamed confusion and worry. Kenma rushes up as my knees buckle, causing me to fall into his arms. Oikawa, Atsumu, Tendou, and Riley rush up.

     Not being able to contain the tears, I scream into Kenma's shoulder. "S-Shirabu- W-What happened...?" He asks in a very concerned tone.

     "N-Nothing happened.. B-but I-" I try to finish my sentence, only to fail and cry louder. I'm overreacting, I'm just overreacting. It's fine. He still loves me, I'm sure of it. There's no way he doesn't love me after everything that happened.

     But I can't help but to think otherwise.. The way he pulled his hand away.. It triggered thoughts and images from my past. The physical abuse. The verbal and emotional abuse. It feels like it's all coming back, and I don't know what to do about it..

     It's so.. Terrifying. Oh my god, I feel pathetic. Fucking pathetic!

     After 5 minutes of me continuously screaming and crying in an attempt to get rid of the pain, Eita walks upstairs. He stops in his tracks upon seeing me. Just as he takes one step forward, I clutch onto Kenma's shirt, trying not to cry louder out of fear.

     He scares me.. I'm scared of him. Just because of something so minor..

     "Stay. Away." Kenma states coldly, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

     "Excuse me?" Eita asks in a venomous tone. I don't want to go to him, I don't want to go to him.. I don't want to be around him.

     "What. Did. You. Do. To. Shirabu." Rylee snaps, standing up and starting for Eita, only to be held back by Terushima.

     "What?! ME?! I DIDN'T DO SHIT!" He shouts, causing his veins to show in his neck.

     "..Now I see. You turned it off, didn't you! YOU TURNED IT OFF! WHAT THE FUCK SEMI! TURN IT BACK ON!" Tendou is now the one shouting. My body trembles as I hold onto Kenma tighter. More tears skidding down my face.

     The shouting and screaming reminds me of when my parents would fight. I remember holding a pillow over my ears while staring at my closed bedroom door. I can't remember a time I wasn't crying when they were fighting.

     "...SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!" Kenma shouts while keeping his hands over my ears. Everyone immediately shuts up, even Eita who looks downright mad. His eyes narrowed, jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowed. What the fuck happened to him..

     "Can't you see that the yelling is affecting him more than the topic that you're all talking about?! HUH?! Semi Eita." Kenma pauses, staring directly at Eita who's not calming down. "Look at Kenjirou. Remember who he is. Not the fact that he's a Shirabu, but the fact that he's your boyfriend. He is not the person who killed your parents. He is not the one who took everything from you. The only thing he did take, was your heart. As of right now, he is scared of you." At this point, Kenma is also crying.

     "I don't care." Is all Eita responds with. I gasp slightly before harshly shoving Kenma off of me and making a run for the front door. I grab a set of keys before opening the door and rushing down the stairs. The sound of the others trying to get me to stay, just compels me to leave, further.

     I click on the keys so I can see what car it is, and a black McLaren 720S responds by beeping. Quickly rushing over to it, I open the door and slide in, turning the car on in the process and speeding down the driveway. Not bothering to wait for the gate to open, I drive into it, causing the front end of the car to become heavily damaged. But still driveable.

     About 1 minute into the drive, my phone starts ringing like crazy from multiple texts and calls. I merely glance at it before turning it off and focusing on driving. Tears rob me of my vision, causing the road in front of me to appear blurry. Shit..

     "Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU!" I scream out, choking on my own tears. Subconsciously, I slam on the gas. The speedometer reaching over 100 at this point.

     I'm so stupid. So goddamn useless. I knew I meant nothing to him, and I fell for his trick. I fucking fell for it, and I'm at fault for that. I don't know what to do anymore.. I'm completely clueless..

     After 10 minutes of driving, I pulled up next to a gas station and put the car in park. Slowly but surely, more tears fall as my chest tightens. I lay my head against the steering wheel, and bite my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.

     I feel so sick right now. And I feel so.. Tired.

     Maybe if I fall asleep.. I'll wake up and this will all jut be a dream..

     Although it feels so real..

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