|27| SEMI

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     "Where's Kenjirou?" I ask, walking up to Tendou and Kenma who have distraught expressions on their faces. Something's off here. They usually are energetic in a way. But it's not just them that seem off. Everyone does, except the people that were with me.

     "Kitten, did something happen?" Kuroo asks, stepping up to Kenma, whose face is turning pale. Everyone tenses and nervously looks away. Okay, now I'm getting irritated.

     "Okay, I'm getting impatient. What the fuck happened here?" I ask coldly as Kiyoomi and Ushijima walk up from behind me with confused faces.

     "It was our fault." Oikawa says rather quietly, but enough that we all heard him. He, Atsumu, Suga, and Akaashi look quilty. I huff, walking over to them slowly. Their boyfriends try coming up from behind me, but Kiyoomi and Ushijima get in the way. Despite knowing that Atsumu might get hurt, Kiyoomi knows his place, and he knows Atsumu is a fool. (Let me say something rq, when Sakusa is alone and Atsumu isn't around, people address him as Sakusa. But when Atsumu is around, people call him Kiyoomi.)

     "Tell me.. What did you do.." I say, leaning down. My face void of any emotion as a tactic to get the truth out of Oikawa. He's the ring leader of this friend group he has. Apparently he and Suga go way back.

     "I-It was an accident! H-He wasn't s-supposed to drink it!" He says hurriedly, backing away with his eyes shut tight. His body trembling in fear.

     "Drink. What." I spit out venomously through gritted teeth. My patience is beginning to wear thin.

     "I gave him a glass of water because he was feeling nauseous, but I didn't realize.. That it was the wrong cup. We were experimenting with a new drug that we got from a drug dealer. T-The one that works with us.. We wanted to see how fast it would dissolve.. I DIDN'T NOTICE, I SWEAR!" (I bet you didn't see that coming, did ya?)

     At this, I exhale deeply before swiftly grabbing the collar of Oikawa's shirt and yanking him upwards. Iwaizumi pushes past Ushijima and Kiyoomi, attempting to lunge at me. I shut him down quickly by tossing my head back slightly and glancing at him. My eyes narrowed, but eyebrows relaxed.

     Almost immediately he backs away, but not without hesitation. Turning my attention back to Oikawa, I slam him against the wall and grip onto his neck. His body trembled violently.

     "Now.. tell me what happened to him, then tell me where he is." At this, the brunette shuts his eyes closed.

     "His heart rate was 168 before his blood pressure dropped, causing him to pass out. It's been 5 hours and he still hasn't woken up.. He's in your room with Rylee.."

     Chuckling lightly, I throw Oikawa to the floor and glare at him. "You are so goddamn lucky you're Iwaizumi's boyfriend. Or else I would've killed your ass." I state coldly, taking a deep breath and exhaling. "Bokuto, Lev.. Take Akihiro to the basement."

     After composing myself a final time, I rush up the stairs and towards my room. Upon entering, Rylee looks at me with an annoyed expression. I take it she's upset at Oikawa and his little friend group as well. Maybe it's a good thing she decided to stay in Italy for a bit.

     "How is he?" I ask, walking up to the bed and kneeling down.

     "Well, his heart rate dropped back to a normal pace. His blood pressure is slowly but surely rising to where it should be. There's no other visible side effects of that experimental drug, but I'm thinking he should be waking up soon. But more than likely.." Rylee pauses, looking out the window before pinching the bridge of her nose.

     "Ugh, I called that drug dealer you partnered with. Said that the ingredients that were put in that drug cause some drowsiness, with a chance of a seizure. Guessing that this is the first time he's taken a random drug.. He'll most likely go through some painful situations. So you have to be there for him. Got that?"

     "Of course I do, Rylee. I'm not sure if you heard, but I gave him a promise ring; promising to marry him someday. He makes me smile like no one has before. I guess you could say I'm wrapped around his cute little finger." I say quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed and grabbing Kenjirou's hand.

     "You are soooo whipped for him."

     Turning my gaze to Rylee, I glare at her. She chuckles before standing up and walking out of the room. This is frustrating. I hate Oikawa and his stupid friends so much right now. All I want to do is punch a goddamn hole in the wall.

     Now I'm just wondering why no one contacted me. That just pisses me off even more. If Kenjirou died because of this, I don't know what I'd do. He's so important to me, and I never even say I love you, very often.

     But knowing that he's going to live, keeps me relaxed. I flinch at the feeling of the bed shifting, causing me to turn around. "Kenjirou?" I mumble, placing my hand on his cheek and caressing it.

     He flutters his eyes open before looking at me. "E-Eita.." He mutters, his eyes glossing over. "T-This isn't a dream.. R-Right?"

     "What? Of course it's not.. Did you have a nightmare?" I ask, helping Kenjirou to sit up. He nods, tears skidding down his face. Leaning forward, I cup his face, which leads to him nuzzling into my hand slightly.

     "Can you tell me what it was about?"

     "..You, um.. Died.. R-Right in front of me. The images.. They're absolutely terrifying.." He mumbles, staring at the blanket. His face twisted into a petrified expression. Jesus, that sounds pretty bad. Pretty damn sure there's more to it than that though.

     "Come here." I demand, causing Kenjirou to look at me with fear in his eyes. I sigh, shaking my head and pulling him close to me. My arms wrapped securely around him as he too wrapped his arms around my waist. The sobs start to become louder as every second passes.

     It must have been really really bad.. Maybe now isn't the right time to tell him that I captured Akihiro.

     "You're okay.. You're safe in my arms. Remember that I will always and forever love you, and know that no one would dare try to kill me, or you. There's so much more I want to show you.." I mumble, running my hands through his soft hair.

     His muscles relax as do his sobs. Not a minute later, he pulls away and kisses me with passion. I chuckle, grabbing onto his waist and pushing down which causes his mouth to fall agape as he lets out a soft moan.

     Taking this opportunity, I dart my tongue in and once again explore every inch of his mouth. Kenjirou climbs onto my lap and mumbles against my lips. "You were gone too long.."

     "Then let me make it up to you, love." At this, he pulls away and rips my shirt off and wraps his arms around my neck all the while presenting his. He's so submissive.. It's so goddamn sexy. 

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