|26| SEMI

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2 months later

     I frown at the man walking in the distance. His hair and build is a dead giveaway that he's Akihiro. My grip tightens on the steering wheel, eager to get to him. Sakusa, Ushijima, and Terushima are with me as of right now hiding in an alleyway, blacked out.

     Having a matte black 2018 BMW M4 has its perks. Especially with tinted windows, although it's weird because I still feel like people can see me.

     "Where's that decoy you paid for?" Sakusa asks, playing around with his pistol.

     "Should be coming around eventually." I responded bluntly.

     "This is-" Terushima starts, only to be shut up quickly by Ushijima, who places his hand on the blonde's mouth, causing Sakusa and I to laugh. God, Terushima is a loud mouth. Can't keep his mouth shut for shit.

     "Please, I cannot take anymore rambling coming from someone like you." The olive haired man whines, a hint of annoyance laced in his voice. He must be really annoyed to give a hint of emotion. Like I've said before, he never usually shows emotions. He's just.. Stoic.

     Turning my attention back to the task at hand, I squint my eyes at someone who looks like Kenjirou. Ah, the decoy. I was wondering when they were going to show up. I paid a random, well, not necessarily random, Rylee has connections, so I paid someone she knows to act as Kenjirou.

     "Hey, guys.. Look." I say quietly, grabbing the three's attention as they lean forward to get a better look.

     We're like at the very edge of a huge mall that has cream walls, beige accents, and black railings. Some brown potted plants scattered everywhere in corners. There's three levels, the first one is the food court area basically. Second is clothes and jewelry with some makeup stations. On the third and highest level is a lounge with a few snack places. A glass dome covers the entire area.

     In the middle of the circular main part of the mall, is a fountain with dancing water? I forgot what they call those things. But music plays and a water performance is played I think.

     The decoy looks our way for half a second before pretending to see Akihiro. Fortunately it grabs his attention. Sakusa leans forward and pays close attention to his body language while keeping his eyes on him. After a second, Akihiro begins walking in the direction of where the decoy went.

     We have to sit here until we get a text from Lev telling us he's there. If we go now, we could risk getting spotted, and he knows that I'm after him. The bitch wants to kill Kenjirou before he accepts his fate. Nu-uh, I'm not letting that shit happen.

     If someone asked me to describe my love for Kenjirou, I legit wouldn't be able to answer it. Like my dad wasn't able to answer that question with my mom. I guess I take after him in that way. I have his height, hair, eyes, and personality. So I guess you could say I take after him more than my mom.

     She was a short natural born redhead with blue eyes and freckles. Red hair, grey eyes, and freckles are pretty rare themselves. So she was basically one of a kind.

     Her personality was the polar opposite of my dad's personality. She was good-hearted, orderly, considerate, and sympathetic. My dad was ill-mannered, unorganized, apathetic, and selfish.

     But.. if I remember correctly, he had a soft spot for her like I do with Kenjirou. And apparently, my mom went through some very difficult situations. Nothing like Kenjirou went through. She was just a pawn for her boss who was jealous of her for being born with natural beauty.

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 [𝐒𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚; 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now