|19| SEMI

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     "Whoa whoa whoa," Kuroo says as he leans forward staring at his phone. I glance at him before turning my attention back to the road. "Kenma texted me saying that something happened with Shirabu."

     Subconsciously I press down on the gas, causing alarm for Bokuto, Kuroo, and Sakusa. "What happened?" I ask in a demanding tone. .

     "Said that he flinched and covered his body like he was protecting himself from a punch or a kick. According to Kenma he ran into your shared bedroom and locked the door. They tried talking to him but he only screamed telling them to go away. Tendou and Suna resorted to body slamming the door open because they were worried that he might do something to harm himself."

     My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I knew leaving was a bad idea, but I really couldn't pass up the opportunity to get more info on Akihiro and what he's planning. He added onto why I want revenge. Not only for my parents, but for nearly killing Kenjirou.

     "Stay calm Semi, he's fine. It was last night that this happened. Also.. um, you may not like this because Akaashi just sent me something.. Your cousin showed up and he's messing with Shira-" Not letting Bokuto finish, I slam my foot on the gas and start weaving in and out of traffic.

     The loud roar of the v12 engine Aston Martin DBS Superleggera sends chills down my spine. Kuroo and Bokuto grab onto each other for dear life in the backseats while Sakusa just watches as the scenery and cars blur from the speed. The sun is setting on the horizon to the right.

     "S-Semi! Slow down! You're literally losing the others!" Kuroo stutters out with a whine.

     "Then tell them why I'm in a hurry to get back. I don't trust my cousin. Especially around my Queen." It's true, I don't trust my cousin. He's from my dad's side of the family and literally loves making me upset. It used to be hard for him to annoy me because I didn't have anything of value that he could taunt me with.

     Eventually, the other three quickly catch up to me. They know the deal with Kai. He's bratty, self-centered, selfish, annoying, arrogant, and a fuck boy.


     After arriving and parking into the roundabout driveway, I toss the keys to Kuroo before rushing up the stairs and to the front door. Opening it, my eyes widened at the sight of Kai trapping Kenjirou against the wall.

     Kenjirou looks to the side and ducks under Kai's arm and runs into my arms. I chuckle softly, running my hand through his soft copper colored hair. He whimpers slightly, his body trembling.

     "Love, what's wrong?" I ask while glaring at Kai. The others walk in from behind me and walk towards their boyfriends who also look distraught.

     "He touched me." He says in a whisper, his voice shaky. My right eyes twitches as I instinctively hold Kenjirou tighter.

     "Where." I demand harshly.

     "...my thigh."

     I lift Kenjirou's chin and lift it up so he looks me in the eyes. I then harshly smash my lips onto his. He tenses at first before he melts into it, automatically opening his mouth. In response, I dart my tongue in, dancing with his own for a long few moments before pulling away. His face is red, his eyes are half lidded, mouth agape, and saliva dripping from his lip. Now that's what I love to see.

     Letting go of him for a second, I move him behind me while eyeing Kai. His expression is one of jealousy. He has good reason to be jealous because Kenjirou is like an angel that fell from heaven.

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