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     "Eita, why are you ignoring me?" I ask worriedly while sitting criss-cross on his bed. My bangs obscuring my vision just a little bit. He's been ignoring me ever since he came back to bed last night. Hasn't spoken a word to me for a while now, and my heart keeps breaking every time he just ignores my existence.

     He stands up from his desk, glancing at me before walking out the bedroom. My breathing hitches as I bite my lower lip to keep the tears from slipping from my eyes. Quickly pushing myself off the bed, I rush towards Akaashi's room.

     After knocking, he opens the door. "Yes?" He asks worriedly.

     "..E-Eita's ignoring me." I choke out, trying not to cry. My throat feels like it's tightening while burning at the same time. The black haired male looks confused before yanking me inside his room where Atsumu, Oikawa, and Tendou are.

     "Guys, do you know what's up with Semi?" He asks, as he guides me towards his bed and sits me down. Atsumu gets up quickly and examines my face.

     "No." Oikawa and Tendou respond in unison, looking over at me worriedly.

     "Hey," Atsumu says, grabbing my attention and grabbing my hand. "Can you tell us what's going on?"

     I gulp, looking away and feeling pathetic. He's probably just stressed and I'm just overreacting. I'm pathetic that way, I'm too clingy. What he said last night was a lie, it was a lie and I shouldn't have believed it.

     "Eita was comforting me last night before he left to go back downstairs. I was awake when he got back, and when I asked what happened, he ignored me. I didn't think much of it until this morning. I kept trying to get his attention, but he kept ignoring me. A few minutes ago I asked why he was ignoring me, and he just glanced at me before walking out the bedroom."

     "...That's not like him at all. Well, to us it's sort of a normal thing when he doesn't acknowledge us, but with you.. We never thought that he'd straight up ignore you." Oikawa says, completely bewildered.

     "Hmm.. I can go ask Kiyo if he knows anything because I know that he was with Semi and Ushijima last night talking to Kai." Atsumu states as he stands up and rushes out of the bedroom. A few moments later, he drags in Kiyoomi and shuts the door.

     "Is this where I die? What did I do?" He asks curiously, looking at everyone with a confused face before his gaze lands on me. His expression completely changes into one of concern and fear.

     "Mind telling us what happened last night? Semi is ignoring him." Atsumu asks in a demanding tone, crossing his arms. Akaashi, Oikawa, and Tendou sit beside me while the raven sighs.

     "..He's going to kill me for saying anything."

     "I don't care. Shirabu is hurting because of Semi ignoring him. Do you know how much his heart is probably already shattered? You can see it in his eyes, Kiyo! Tell me you're not heartless because Shirabu, out of everyone in this house, is more broken than any of us." The fake blonde threatens, standing up to the raven.

     "Fine, just.. Keep this between us." He says before sitting in a chair and pinching the bridge of his nose. "He's not ignoring him because he doesn't love him anymore if that was your initial thought. He's simply overwhelmed with the information we got on Akihiro. He has a threat against him, but he hasn't sent it out yet."

     My body freezes as I subconsciously squeeze onto Akaashi and Oikawa's hands. Threat, what threat could he possibly have for Eita?

     "Kai said that Akihiro had a paper with the threat written on it. He showed us a photo he took and it read 'come to me or else your precious queen gets killed.' And that wasn't even the part that had Semi distraught, it was what was written on the bottom. It was a reminder to Akihiro himself.." Kiyoomi pauses, looking down at the carpet.

     He sounds sad and nervous about what he's telling us. Whatever he's about to say.. It doesn't seem like it's going to be anything good. I mean, anything that's from my grandfather is never good.

     "Kiyo.. W-What did it say?" Atsumu asks, his voice almost breaking. The raven looks up at us before looking back down, clearly debating on continuing.

     "It said.. 'no matter what, kill Kenjirou in front of Semi the same way I killed his parents.' If he didn't tell you.. His parents were killed in a really brutal and traumatizing way. Not in the normal way Akihiro kills people, it was a unique way for him. They were killed right in front of Semi. Akihiro taunted him while Semi was tied to a chair. But do I really have to continue..?"

     "Yes. Shirabu needs to know this too." Oikawa deadpans, hugging me tightly.

     "Alright, fine. Akihiro tied them in chairs in front of Semi, forcing him to watch. He used a knife to slice their necks open but not deep enough for immediate death. Then he said very inappropriate things to his mom, and then his dad. After that, he chopped off their fingers with their wedding rings on them... When he finally decided to end their suffering, he gave Semi the choice to either kill them himself, or let Akihiro do it. Semi didn't want them to die from his hand, so he did it himself so that he could be the one sending them away."

     After Kiyoomi is done talking, the others look at the ground while I just stare at the ground. "So.. w-what you're saying is.." I choke out, causing alarm for Atsumu, Oikawa, Tendou and Akaashi.

     "That you're going to die, but not at Akihiro's hand? Yes. But there is a way to come up with a plan. Since Semi is older now, and his traumatic experiences quickened his maturity, he doesn't let stress get in the way of coming up with a plan. He loves you Shirabu, he really does. He's not talking to you because he's trying to think. But since he's going to find out that I told you, you should go talk to him. He should be in his study. That's usually where he goes when he's deep in thought."

     With that, I stand up and start heading towards Eita's study, not sparing anyone a glance. Upon reaching the door, I don't even bother knocking. Turning the knob and opening the door, I'm immediately met with a disturbed ash blonde. His dark eyes are vacant of any emotion besides stress and sadness.

     Not hesitating, I rush forward and latch my arms around his waist. "Don't keep things from me, Eita." I cry out, which results in Eita quickly wrapping his arms around me, squeezing tightly.

     "Heh.. I'm guessing Kiyoomi or Ushijima told you.. I'm sorry for ignoring you, I'm just so scared of losing you. I love you too much to leave you." He mumbles as he runs his hand through my hair. Lifting my face away from his chest, I grab the back of his neck and pull him down, connecting our lips desperately.

     "I'm not going to die.. As long as I am with you. I believe in you and trust you more than anyone else. But please, don't keep things from me like that ever again. I was scared you actually woke up feeling done with me." I mumble against his lips.

     "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just trying to think of a plan to avoid you getting hurt. Kai told me that Akihiro's plans won't take place until a few months from now. That should be enough time to enjoy life while coming up with a plan." Eita pulls me closer with his hands on my hips, keeping them still while he presses himself up against me.

     "Hah~ ngh~ d-don't do t-that~" I whimper, pulling away while biting my lower lip. In response to this, he spins me around causing me to gasp at the feeling of his length prodding at my barely covered ass.

     "Hmm.. you look hot and sexy with my t-shirt on. Makes your thighs look delicious, and the fact that you're only wearing boxers... is just so.. Mouth watering." He whispers into my ear, making me shudder.

     "What are you gonna do about it?" I ask, pushing myself back up against him.

     "What am I gonna do? Well... I'm going to blow your back out and listen to you scream my name." He states coldly as he turns me back around and picks me up by gripping onto the back of my thighs.

     "Oh I can't wait~"

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