|14| SEMI

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     "SEMI! FUCKING CALM DOWN!" Bokuto shouts, shielding the others along with Ushijima, Kuroo, and Kiyoomi. I let out a hysteric laugh before kicking the table and punching the wall. Both break in the process.

     "How am I supposed to do that? Hm?" I ask sarcastically, licking my lips and staring at them with dead eyes. "MY BOYFRIEND GOT STABBED! WHAT WOULD YOU DO? HMM?! ESPECIALLY KNOWING IT WAS YOUR FAULT!" I then turn around and punch another hole in the wall. My knuckles beginning to bleed.

     "Semi, you need to relax. Panicking isn't going to solve anything." Kiyoomi tries to reason, but it doesn't work on me. I snap my attention to him, moving my face right in front of his. He freezes under my gaze, eyebrows furrowed and eyes wary.

     "I suggest.. You.. all of you. Get the hell out of here before I kill all of you." I threaten. Backing away, I gesture to the front door. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Not a second later, all of them are out of the house.

     Kenjirou got stabbed by his own grandfather. DAMMIT! I should've known this was a trap! If it wasn't, it would have been much harder to track him down. He knew, he knew I was looking for him.

     He's targeting Kenjirou because he's the only person that I ever fell in love with. Why does someone get hurt whenever they're around me?

     Before I know it, tears are streaming down my face. My fists are clenched and my teeth are gritted, my jaw clenched. I hate myself and the person I have become. A heartless monster who only cares about himself and the person who he fell in love with.

     How foolish..

     And pathetic.


     "Semi.." Kenma gulps, head hung low as he stands in front of me. I can feel Kuroo's eyes on me. He's waiting for me to do something, but honestly I couldn't give any less of a fuck. "He's okay. He's going to survive.. The knife grazed his liver, but there's no major damage."

     I let out a deep sigh in relief. Even if he is going to survive. I can't bear to let him get hurt because of me. Walking over to one of the seats in the waiting room, I sit down in the furthest seat.

     I might have to go away. Like, leave America and go back to Italy. So Kenjirou can be safe... Maybe I can lure Akihiro away so that he's after me and not Kenji.. But it'd break both of our hearts.

     "You're thinking about leaving.. Aren't you?" A feminine voice calls from in front of me. I look up and meet the burning gaze of Athena. She raises a brow, at me, eyes narrowed in anger.

     I sigh, tossing my head back, pulling on my hair. "If it keeps Kenjirou safe, then yes." I responded.

     "Then you better leave without saying anything. Pack everything you have, and get yourself, and your buddies out of here. It's better if you leave without saying anything. If he contacts you, come up with a lie. Even if it breaks his heart. This is not good for him. YOU aren't good for him."

     "Look, I get it okay?!" I shoot up from my seat and stare down at the woman. She glares at me as Osamu and Ushijima walk up to keep me from hitting her. They grab onto my arm and pull me away.

     He's going to be heartbroken, yes. He will. No doubt about that. But so will I, and we'll have to live with it. Suddenly a doctor walks in, calling for my name. Confused, I walked over to the old man.

     "Are you Semi Eita?" He asks. I nod in response, not really having the energy to speak as of right now. "Shirabu Kenjirou asked for you. He's stable, if you want to talk to him. But I suggest doing so, because if not, he'll get worked up, and that's not what we want. His body is weak.."

     My heart drops from the information I'm given. Nonetheless, I nod and follow the doctor towards Kenjirou's room. My eyes water as the guilt washes over me. How can I be so careless? I should have seen it coming. But nope, I didn't. I fucking didn't see it coming.

     The doctor opens the door and let's me in before closing it to give us some privacy. Kenjirou is lying on a hospital bed with a blanket over him and a bunch of needles connected to him.

     "Stop.." He says weakly, making me somewhat confused. "I know what you're thinking. P-Please don't do it." He begs, his eyes glossing over. I quickly rush to the side of his bed and wipe away the tears with the pad of my thumb.

     "What am I thinking..?" I ask warily. Kenjirou stiffens.

     "Thinking of leaving. Leaving me."


     "See? Silence. If you leave.. I'll hate you. I-I'll hate you. I love you.. So please don't leave me just because of this.." I look away from his pleading eyes, knowing damn well that, that alone will make me change my mind.

     I pull away and start for the door. "I love you too.. But I'm sorry. I can't risk you getting hurt because of my foolishness." I quickly rush out of the hospital room, biting on my lip as tears rob my vision.

     Making it to the others, they stare at me completely shocked. "Go. L-Let's go.." I say softly, swallowing the lumps in my throat. Without hesitation, the others follow; knowing damn well what I just did.

     Athena glares at me, her eyes also glossy. "Someone else drive for me. Please." I ask quietly, wiping away my own tears. Ushijima walks over to the driver's side of the Lamborghini and hops in. He stares worriedly at me before deciding to leave it alone.

     "Y-You can cry Semi. We all understand what you just did, and we understand how hard it must be for you." Almost immediately, I let out a pained sob, laying my head against the window. Tears heavily flowing down my face.

     Images of Kenjirou profusely appearing in my head, making my cries even louder. The pain I feel is absolutely horrendous. Because of my foolishness.. He almost died. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

     I SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT COMING! I SHOULD HAVE! Once I kill Akihiro, I'm coming back for him. No one can tell me otherwise. (Bro, I'm crying crying. This shit is hurting me too. I literally cannot see anything because of the tears in my eyes.)

     Not only will I get my revenge on my parents, but for Kenjirou also. For now though, I'm turning it off.

     Turning everything off.

     Turning off my emotions.

     I slowly calm down and glance at Ushijima. "Tell everyone that we're going back to Italy. And tell them that none of them are allowed to contact Kenjirou."

     Ushijima looks at me worriedly. Huh, this is more emotion that I've ever seen from him. "Are you positive?" He asks, turning onto the freeway that is on the way to the house.

     "100%. And also.." I pause, locking my eyes on him. "I'm going to kill Shirabu Akihiro. If it's the last thing I do."

     "You're going to turn it off, aren't you?"

     "You know me too well, Ushijima Wakatoshi.."

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 [𝐒𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚; 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now