|12| SEMI

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     I sigh, glancing at Kenjirou who's sleeping uncomfortably. I got here about 20 minutes ago after Kenma called telling me that Kenjirou had a severe panic attack, which led to him passing out. Honestly, I cannot even begin to describe the hate I feel for the six who didn't even try to break down the goddamn door.

     This is exactly why I don't want to leave him alone. I want to be there for him when he's in a state like this. I don't even know what happened, or what triggered it. Could possibly be from stress that's finally catching up to him.

     Ugh, I feel absolutely terrible.

     Feeling the bed shift, I turn around and see my boyfriend squirming and making a few whimpering noises. Without hesitation, I slide under the covers and wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer.

     "Shh.. It's okay baby. Just relax, you're okay." I say softly, running my fingers through his hair. He immediately relaxes and snuggles close to me. This is too much for me to handle, he's so adorable. It makes me want to protect him for the rest of my life. To which, I will.

     Eventually, my eyelids become heavy as I drift into a deep sleep with the love of my life in my arms.


(Three days later)

     "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask rather nervously, looking down at a very stern Kenjirou. He looks up at me before looking at the ground as he wraps his arms around himself. He's been doing that a lot lately. I think it has to do with anxiety or something.

     "Yes. You said you didn't need him anymore since you know where my grandfather is. I want Dylan dead. All those things he did to me.. I want to live in peace knowing that he's dead. That I'm the one who killed him. I'll make him suffer." He says venomously, sighing before taking a step towards the door that leads to the concrete room.

     "So hot.." I mumble, smugly grinning. Following him down the stairs, I pull out my key card and slide it into the keypad before typing in the password. I open the heavy door and wait for Kenjirou to walk in first.

     "Well well well.. I was just thinking about you." Dylan states in a very sickening and suggestive tone. I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest as I lean against the wall. Kenjirou gives Dylan a powerful kick to the face, causing his brother to groan and spit out blood. His already bruised up face is becoming darker.

     "Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth." Kenji says as he kneels down and grabs a fistful of his hair and yanks his head up harshly. "I'm going to make you suffer in the best way possible. If I remember correctly, you're possessive. You claimed my body, YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER'S BODY, as yours. Just so you know, Semi fucked me. Twice. And oh my god, it was fucking amazing. I forgot everything you ever did to me because he made me feel like I can move on from the torture you put me through."

     He quickly slams his brother's face into the concrete floor. I squint my eyes, watching this unfold in front of me. This side of Kenjirou is hot as fuck. He's going to kill Dylan, and then his dream will be fulfilled.

     "You slut." Dylan chokes out, crimson red blood skidding down his face. In anger, I push myself off the wall, but Kenjirou makes a stop motion with his hand without ripping his gaze from Dylan.

     "Say that again. I won't hesitate to let Semi beat the crap out of you, but leave some of your life left for me to kill." He then gestures to me. My eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed, and my head tilted upwards slightly. My tattoo is visible from the see through white shirt. The three buttons at the top are loose.

     "See? He's pissed. When you're calling me names.. It ticks him off, so I'd watch that mouth of yours. Unless you want to test his patience." He warns, a sadistic smile on his face.

     "Y-You need me alive to find Akihiro." Dylan states in an urgent tone. So he's finally got the message that he's going to die? That's fucking pathetic. Kenjirou turns to look at me, his eyes giving me the go ahead.

     "Hmm.. I don't think so. Because we already found him. Even if we did let you live for you to tell us where he is.. You'd still be ruthlessly killed by your brother. Which, by the way, I think will be hot. He'll finally be able to kill you.. And then I'll be able to kill your grandfather. People like you disgust me." I say with a chuckle, leaning back against the wall.

     Kenjirou stands up and runs his hand through his hair. We're going to be here for a while.


     Dylan is absolutely fucked up. His face is covered in open wounds from Kenjirou's fist. Blood gushing out of his head while lying on the ground, gritting his teeth while tears form and fall down his face.

     "Hey, babe?" Kenjirou says, turning to look at me. I hum, telling him that I'm listening. He walks up to me and looks into my eyes, his body relaxed. He stands on his tip toes and whispers into my ear. "How about.. You kill him. I basically got most of the work done.. And I'm a little tired." He says as he places his hand on my jaw and kisses my jaw.

     I toss my head back and roll it a bit before fixing my gaze onto the man who pathetically tries to hold onto life. Kenjirou continues to leave kisses on my neck while his other hand travels down to my belt.

     "Mmm. Of course I will, love." I respond, grabbing his hand that was tugging on my belt, and bringing it to my lips where I leave a gentle kiss. All the while staring into his light brown eyes, admiring them.

     After a few moments of Kenjirou becoming a blushing mess, he steps aside. Dylan starts trembling with utter terror in his eyes. I smirk as a low chuckle escapes my lips. I quickly grab onto his neck and pin him against the wall. My eyes narrowed and void of any emotion.

     "This is what I've been wanting to do ever since I found out what you did to my Queen. People like you. Are destined to die one day. I will never forget the amount of pain Kenjirou has gone through because of you." My mouth hangs open slightly as I glide my tongue over my teeth, subtly showing my natural fangs. (The image is hot.)

     I inch my face closer to his. "Let's.. Drag out this death of yours. Hmm?" I say as I tighten my grip on his neck. The dirty blonde brings his hands up to my arm in an attempt to push me away. I then release my grip, causing the man to gasp for air, only to be interrupted by another squeeze to his neck.

     "My god, you are one sad piece of crap." I let out a small laugh, repeating the process over and over until I decide it's enough. "See ya in hell." I state before putting both of my hands on his neck and squeezing until there's a satisfying crack.

     I let him go, his body dropping to the ground. Smiling, I turn around to see a very teary Kenjirou. Before I was able to say something, he threw himself into my arms and kissed me deeply. Love, trust, and intimacy being present in the kiss.

     He pulls away and smiles brightly at me, a few tears streaming down his face. I bring my hand to cub his face while wiping away his tears, to which he leans into the touch. "I promise to love you and protect you. I swear on that."

     "Hehe, you better." He responds before digging his face into the crook of my neck. His brother is dead, and that is what Kenjirou has wanted all his life. Finally he's free from the torture he endured for years on end.

     Finally free. For now.

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