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     "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask, my face going pale as I stare at the large building in front of us. Neon lights lighting up the sign above large red doors. Kenma and Tendou just stare at me with amused faces. Oikawa, Suna, Akaashi, and Atsumu just laugh at me before pushing me into the building.

     "Come on Shirababe, you have to let loose!" Oikawa says with a giggle, grabbing my wrist and weaves around a huge crowd of dancing drunk people. The others follow close behind.

     Ugh, this place reeks. Supposedly our boyfriends arrived at the club before us, and should be up in the VIP part of the place. I think it's the indoor balcony that overlooks the place. Purple and red lighting flying across the room.

     After reaching the lounge area of the club, Oikawa and Atsumu rush towards where the drinks are. Kenma and Tendou yank me down to one of the seats and look at me, to which I stare at the ground nervously.

     This outfit, I fucking hate it. Black and white striped cropped shirt with long sleeves, chain and lock necklaces, thick black belt over my jet black short shorts. A garter belt over the fishnet leggings, knee high black stockings, and white high top converse. Eita hasn't seen it yet, for he left with the tops earlier today.

     Akaashi and Suna walk off to go to their boyfriends.

     "Shirabuuu, we are not going to let you sit on your ass the entire time we're here. We're only letting you sit for a minute because we know that you get a little anxious. So get used to your surroundings, and remember, Semi is in the building. If something happens and we aren't around, go to the balcony and he'll be there." Kenma says reassuringly, placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it lightly.

     I let out a small chuckle before looking up at the people dancing. Music is blaring from all over the place, and it's making me even more anxious.

     "I'm sorry.. I just.. I'm scared that someone is going to try to do something to me." I say truthfully, my body starts to tremble. Kenma grabs my face and shows me where the balcony is. Eita has his hands on the railing, leaning forward a little while his eyes are locked on me. He smirks down at me before turning around.

     "See? He's going to be watching you the entire time. So please, try to let loose." Tendou smiles. I guess I can just have fun for once. Looking at Kenma and Tendou, I smile softly. I roll my eyes and stand up, glancing at the two.

     "Then let's have some fun." The two beam and rush upwards, dragging me to the middle of the dance floor.


     "Ugh, that was tiring." I whine, slumping into a chair. Tendou laughs before straight up sobbing. I turn around in my seat and peek over it, chuckling at him while Kenma doubles over laughing.

     Yeah, Tendou was drinking while dancing. He started chasing a poor woman around the place screaming "YOU SLEPT WITH MY USHI" repeatedly, which earned a huge amount of laughs. Of course Ushijima saw this and almost died laughing.

     Now the redhead has turned into a very emotional drunk. Kenma is sober, well, mostly. He keeps laughing, and when no one else finds whatever he's laughing at funny, he pouts like a child.

     I only drank a little bit. But even though I am a little tipsy, I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. It's probably Eita. He's been occasionally looking at me, and those few times I catch him watching, I lock my gaze onto his.

     I'm shaken out of my thoughts as someone taps my shoulder. Lifting my gaze from Tendou and Kenma who are on the ground, a dark brown haired male with blonde highlights comes into view.

     "Uhm, yes?" I ask in a wary tone, leaning back a little. The man smiles, his dull canines showing. Is he really tryna pick me up by showing me his teeth? Well I am sorry to burst your bubble, but my boyfriend has sharper ones.

     "You looked really sexy dancing over there." He states with a suggestive smirk.

     Hmm, this might be fun because I can see how Eita will react to this. "Oh really? Thanks." I respond with a fake smile. Tendou and Kenma backed up a bit and are now just darting their eyes between me and the man in front of me, with very confused expressions.

     "Want to maybe go grab a drink? I have VIP access to the balcony." Perfect..

     "Then let's go?" I ask, standing up and grabbing the guy's collar leading him up to the stairs. Upon reaching the entrance, the guy tells him to step out of the way. Once doing so, Eita comes into view with cold eyes, void of any emotion besides jealousy.

     Osamu and Bokuto just smirk with their boyfriend's on their laps, obviously picking up on what I'm doing. Kuroo, Ushijima, Iwaizumi, and Kiyoomi look away trying to hold in their laughter.

     "I- why is he staring at me like that?" The man behind me asks, obviously a little nervous at how Eita is staring at him. The few buttons of his semi-see through white t-shirt are not fully buttoned, making his pecs visible. A chain necklace dangling from his neck, showing off his tattoo. The rest of his outfit consists of what he usually wears. Black pants with a black belt.

     Turning around and releasing the man's collar, I look up at him and lean up to his ear. "I tricked you.." I whisper, tracing my finger on his jaw-line. Once letting go, I walk backwards and sit on Eita's lap. His hands immediately gripped onto my waist.

     "Hmmm.. before you try to escape, let me just get one thing straight with you." Eita says through gritted teeth. The man tries to escape, but is blocked in by Ushijima and Iwaizumi. "Don't try to pick up what's already taken. You're lucky I just want to relax and not beat someone's ass. So.. with that said, go. And if I see you here again, I will personally kill you."

     With that, the man scurries away.

     "Why'd you do that?" Eita asks, his voice relaxed. I look at him and straddle him, latching my arms around his neck.

     "I was bored and I wanted some sort of chaos."

     "Ah, so you think making me jealous is funny?"

     Pulling away, I look into his eyes and smile innocently. "Maybe~"

     "Such a bad boy.." He mumbles, leaning forward and kissing my neck. I whimper, slowly giving him more access by tilting my head to the side.

     "I also wanted to come up here eventually.. Because y'know.. Haven't seen you at all today." I whisper, laying my forehead on his shoulder. He sighs, rubbing my back in a soothing motion.

     "Yeah, I apologize for that. I was doing something that needed my full attention, and no offense, but, you are a huge distraction."

     "Excuse me- how am I-" Before I could finish my sentence, Eita placed his finger on my lips.

     "Your presence is a distraction because you're so adorable. Not to mention that ass of yours, I catch myself staring multiple times a day and you don't ever notice. Or you do notice and choose to ignore it."

     "...okay fine, I see your point."

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