thirty one

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After we had reached home from the hotel, an uneasy feeling overcame my senses. I couldn't enjoy spending time with Neymar, even though I genuinely was having a pleasant time. A distant thought nagged at my brain, causing distress and confusion. I knew exactly what it meant. I just sincerely hoped that nothing distressing would happen. Obviously, I wasn't going to get my way.

As Neymar left to do his business in the bathroom, I attempted to ignore the irritating thoughts and focused on the television in front.


An ear splitting noise caused me to jump warily in my seat. What the hell was that?

Once again, I heard the loud crash, only louder this time.

"Ney?" I called.

No answer.

The third crash indicated that it was coming from outside. Wondering if anyone was trying to break in, I ran to the window and foolishly opened it, peering outside.

Suddenly, a cold hand fiercely grabbed my neck, instinctively causing me to lash out. But it was too late! The man used my neck as a grapple and swung inside the room. I lifted myself up, ready to fight, until all the adrenaline rushed out of my system as soon as it had entered.

It was him!

"We can make this quiet and easy," AJ said menacingly, "Or we can get your boyfriend involved. I guarantee that they'll be looking for a new Forward, since the old one will be dead."

"No...please don't harm him." I whispered.

"That's a good girl," he said, "Now, you remember our deal of being honest with one another?"

I nodded mutely.

"So you, my darling, are going to pay for all the turmoil you have previously caused me."

There was no use in fighting anymore. Didn't I already know that this would eventually be my fate?

"It wasn't my fault," I moaned tearfully.

"So much can happen, can't it, when you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. Had you not attempted to persue your kidnapped friend, you would not be meeting an end similar to her. Only the end you'll meet will be significantly more painful, and that's saying something. You'll know all about it, since you had the pleasure of witnessing her death."

Memories lashed at me like a whip, causing my body to shudder with uncontrollable sobs. It was far too painful to deal with all at once: the pain, the horror and most disgustingly, the regret. Had I not rushed to the aid of Alyssa, even though I already knew that it was too late to rescue her, how different would my life have been? Would I have constantly woken during the night, screeching in horror? Would I have resorted to the thought of suicide becoming my only escape? Would my body be littered with countless grotesque marks?

What was I thinking?! Of course going after her was the correct thing to do! I could have also never lived myself if I had simply watched her being taken away from us, not even endeavouring to get her back.

I gritted my teeth firmly and immediately terminated the wailing (although tears still welled in my eyes and obscured my vision). This was my punishment for failure, and I was to endure it with no complaint.

"Ready?" He asked menacingly.

"For what?" I appeared to look confident and fearless, though mind you, that was as far from the truth as possible.

"This," AJ cackled.

Without any warning whatsoever, his fist slammed into my face with ferocious power that I had never experienced before (even during my evenings spent with Jason).

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