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"I have no shoes on!" I reminded her, "Plus I'm cold."

"You have NO reason to be cold young lady. Your dress has long sleeves. And go and get your shoes, silly!"

I rummaged through my luggage until I found a decent pair of DKNY flats. They were black sandals that were grandly embroidered with crystals.

As I slipped them on, I just knew that they went perfectly with my outfit! This whole ordeal made me feel like I was Cinderella being prepared to go to the ball and make the Prince fall in love.

"TARAYA!" Cheyenne bellowed from my room, "Your husband will be eagerly awaiting your presence. Better not keep him waiting."


She cackled at my anger.

"Seriously, we better get going, John Cena!"

"Ugh!" I groaned, "Where do you get all these nicknames from?"

"Your anger resembles John Cena's," she winked, "and I'm also a genius. Now can we finally leave?"

We both raced downstairs and scrambled to find Niall's car keys. After finally finding them under a cushion on the sofa, I unlocked the Range Rover and jumped into the drivers' seat, while Cheyenne got into the passenger seat.

"Well here goes nothing!"

"Wait!" Cheyenne said urgently, "One more thing before we leave!"

"What?" I demanded.

Chey scrambled through her luxury bag, before pulling out two presents.

"For you!" she offered.

"Are they from you?" I asked disbelievingly.

"No, stupid. They're from your boyfriend and brother. Open it up."

I grabbed the presents off her in a graceful motion and ripped the wrapping open. Even that was fancy!

The first was from Neymar, judging from the writing.

Dear Taraya,

I wanted to thank you for your presents to me.

So here's something for you.

I know how much you love singing and thought that maybe you'd like to write any lyrics or feelings down.

I hope you like it! You sing so beautifully by the way.


Ney x

Inside was an exquisite notebook which had diamonds on it. The paper was of wonderful quality and I couldn't help but rub it against my soft cheek.

"True love," Cheyenne whispered beside me.

"I will end you!" I warned.

"Open the next one then," she urged.

Dear Taraya,

I bought you this to show that you are our princess.

Greg, Neymar, Mum and Dad also shared the cost, so let's say it's a family present.

We love you so much!

Nialler x

I gasped and eagerly took the tiara out. It was absolutely splendid. The diamonds shone like glistening stars. This must have cost a fortune!

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