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Dear Anonymous,

There is nobody I can tell this to but you. Bruna and I are over. We broke up. I know it's not exactly breaking news as I'm sure you were expecting it to happen, but still. We're keeping quiet about this at the moment, but I'm sure it will take no time until the media find out.

I thought we would have a chance. I thought that our love story would be like the song "You & I". But I guess love your love has to be true to last.

I should've seen it coming too. I never felt anything special while touching or kissing her, and she downright aggravated me. We couldn't go 24 hours without an argument. Don't get me wrong! It's not her fault; It's mine.

Surprisingly, I was the one who broke it off. She agreed with me but claimed that we would always be friends. I sincerely hope so. Generally, she is a good person.

There is a part inside me that is regretting the decision, but I have to resist to temptation. If we reunite once more, it'll just be a vicious cycle and I will fall into that never-ending torture once more. What I did was for the best.

Please don't tell ANYONE this. I trust you not to. And sorry I'm bombarding you about my broken love life!

How have you been?

Your pal,

Sighing, I sent the text and threw my shirt on.  Life was so stressful right now, and I felt like my brain would explode into smithereens.

I felt especially terrible as I had missed such an easy chance to score today. Even my mother would have been able to successfully kick it into the net from where I was.

Thankfully Willian scored, making us narrowly win against Ecuador, but an extra goal would have been terrific.

We were currently on our way back to Barcelona via a private jet. It was a small aircraft but was marvellously comfortable. I could keep on eating the food forever!

Niall was dozing in the seat beside me, with a little drool  leaking from his mouth. He looked like an adorable seven year old boy!

Harry was sat opposite me and he was fixatedly staring out of the window, observing the starry night sky.

Taraya was nowhere to be seen. She was most probably taking a nap in the mini bedroom.

An emptiness engulfed me as I sat there dejectedly listening to my favourite Latino tracks. Thoughts of Bruna were swirling around my head. I felt guilty for abandoning her without any advance warning. Sure, she didn't seem too heartbroken by the  parting but I could sense that she definitely did feel a bit let down.

Oh well, the past is the past. By now I was extremely bored.

Don't look at how much time is left. Do not even glance at it, Neymar!

Dammit! Ignoring my brain's intelligent advice, I looked at the duration time. SEVEN MORE FUCKING HOURS?!


"Of course I'm fine guys," I said to my Mac screen, "I miss you already!"

I was currently on Skype with David, Thiago and Willian. WiFi on the plane was terrible, and it was distressing me!

"I know!" Thiago whined, "We only saw each other for a week before we were cruelly separated by fate!"

"Are we?" I asked, giggling at his childishness, "Paris is so close to Barcelona and London you idiot! We can see each other often!"

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