twenty six

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"How's everything going sissy?" He asked her with his thick Irish accent, sipping at a blissfully warm hot chocolate while clutching the phone eagerly to his ear. He stared out at the flakes of snow that were gradually beginning to set on the ground.

The girl replied, "I'm fine bubby! It's very cold here."

"Here as well! At the moment, it's softly snowing."

He knew how much his sister adored the snow and wished that she was back in Mullingar to play with him.

"Snow!" She cheered loudly, "How lucky you are."

"You'll be here in three weeks for the Christmas holidays," he reminded her.

"I know! I can't wait to see you, mum, dad and Greg again."

"We miss you so much!" The boy's eyes began to water slightly.

"I miss you all so much too! It's hard without you."

"How are you keeping up at your new school?" He was curious as to how she had not brought the topic up yet.

There was a long silence, "It's...good."

"Tell me about it!" He urged.

The girl could not feel more mortified than she felt at the moment. How was she to lie to him?

"Year seven is...different," she said honestly, "I am already ahead of all the pupils in my class, but they have given me additional homework to develop my skills."

"How are all your friends? Do you sleep in dormitories?"

She fidgeted with her long plait uncomfortably, pulling out tufts of hair from the intricate braid it had previously been in.

"They're all absolutely amazing!" She fibbed, "We get to pick our own dormitories and luckily, I got put with my best friends. We have so many adventures together."

"I hope you're not getting into any trouble there," the boy fretted, "Anyway, who's your best friend?"

This was rapidly turning into a spiral of lies.

"Samantha! We're very close."

"That's pleasing to hear," The boy smiled contentedly, "I'm so relieved that you're fitting in well."

Unfortunately, that was as far from the truth as it could possibly get.


I stared at the piece of scrunched up paper intently. It was yet another threatening note targeted at Taraya, but I had managed to intercept it before it could reach her.

I found it peaking out from a potted plant by Taraya's side. Normally, I would have dismissed it as litter, but there was a familiar look about the paper that caused me to covertly pick it up.

The fun and games won't last for much longer was what was typed onto it.

I didn't understand what this person required. What did he (or she- not being sexist here) want? Why would they be after a girl as innocent and natural as Taraya? She could hardly kill a spider (although she certainly was not frightened of them).

The only person who knew the full truth was her, but I obviously can't just go up to her and ask. "Oh hey Taraya. Please tell me why you cut yourself and there are people sending you death threats!" How about hell no! That would be an extremely mindless and inconsiderate thing to do.

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