twenty two

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Dear T,
You don't want to drag lover boy into danger, don't you?


I shrieked in frustration. Were they actually tracking every one of my moves? Did that mean I would never get a moment of privacy and peace ever again?

The primary concern here was Neymar's safety. I had to protect him from the horrors that were my reality. We couldn't afford to go public!

My whole world began to crumble once more and I knew exactly what I needed before I hit rock bottom.

I snuck out of my hotel room and silently crept down the shared living area, as it was early in the morning so I absolutely did not want to disturb anybody.

I finally arrived at the penultimate door in our suite. The whole place was basically just an enormous bungalow in an exclusive hotel which all of us shared, having a room each.

I knocked quietly, until a wide awake Zayn stood at the door.

"Tarry?" He gasped, pulling me inside, "What calls you here at this time of the night?"

I looked around the pristine room and carefully took a seat on the bed, then asked, "What are you doing awake?"

"Couldn't sleep," he moaned.

"Too much philosophical thinking? Missing Perrie and your family?" I asked.

"You could say so," he said dismissively, "Anyway, what do you require from me?"

"I want cigarettes," I said bluntly.

"What?!" He looked at me, alarmed, "I thought we went through this a year ago. It's not good to smoke. I know you're not an addict, but still..."

"I know, I know. I stopped a long time ago, honest to God. I just need it now. Only now...before I unnecessarily do something else."

He sighed, then sat on the bed next to me, wrapping me in a warm hug.

"Even I barely smoke anymore," he countered, "Niall will genuinely stab me if I provided you with any."

"He doesn't have to know! It's a one off. I only need it now; urgently."

He reached for the side pocket of his backpack and handed me a pack of Malboro Lights.

"You know what? Let's both go onto the balcony."

We both went outside, appreciating the splendid brightness of the moon.

I handed him a cigarette, then lit one up with a lighter for myself.

(A/N this is a necessary part that has to be included in the story for important purposes that you will understand later in the book. I reassure you that I definitely would never recommend the consumption of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.)

I choked a little on the smoke at first as it had been a while since my last smoke, but eventually a feeling of calmness overcame me.

"Your lungs are turning black," Zayn warned.

"So are yours."

"I've almost fully quit."

"I rarely used to smoke and I haven't touched a cigarette in two years."

"Whatever, just please avoid it in the future."

"I told you already that this is a one off. I don't get addicted to this stuff. Holy shit look, I can still blow a smoke ring!"

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