thirty three

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"I don't fuck with them chickens
Unless their last name is Cutlet"


Please forgive me for not updating. If you don't remember the story, then Taraya, Neymar's girlfriend, has been kidnapped. Neymar must return to his normal life until he gains enough leads to go after her. I apologise as this will not be an extremely eventful chapter.




It was with a heavy heart that I pulled up into the training camp's parking lot, sighing dejectedly, yet determined to return to my life that I had previously loved and rejoiced.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for now- I couldn't even park my car effectively, let alone partake in half a day of intensive physical activity.

The only thing that I felt a strong appeal to was lying on the sofa, wallowing in my sorrow like the coward that I undoubtedly was.

The lack of sleep had finally caught up to me, so during whatever I did, I always looked as if I would nod off at any moment. This had led everyone back at home to advice me not to return to football practice, but there was no way I was backing out now and anyway, they were the ones who had spent so much time to persuade me in the first place.

Besides, this was the least I could do for Taraya at these perilous times. Greg was right; she would have absolutely hated me if I had just drowned in my sorrow, instead of productively moving on in life.

That's what brave people do when they lose someone, right? Just live on, despite the crushing pain that lingers.

That's what I'd have to attempt.

Luckily, unlike others, the fight to get her back wasn't over; it had only just begun.

I couldn't stop hoping.

Anyway, it's not like I would ever get to sleep anytime soon; I seriously felt like a fucking zombie.

Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry had agreed with my judgement, and were returning to their tour in South Africa temporarily until further leads were found on the case.

The Horans (excluding Niall) however, decided to remain in Barcelona, along with my parents and Rafaella. They didn't say, but I'd bet all the money that I've earned this year that it was to keep a close eye on my actions.

Oh, we'd better stay here because our mental Neymar Jr. might suddenly decide to go on some sort of suicide rescue mission!

Well, they were quite right!

And nobody was going to stop me...

Before he had left, Niall had privately demanded that he would accompany me, should I decide that I have received enough clues for an investigation of our own.

As much as I had protested, I could not refuse, as we both felt a similar surge of guilt that drowned us.

We weren't there when she needed us.

How long I sat in my cream leather drivers seat, contemplating all this, I did not know.

"Neymar," Rafa said, slightly shaking my shoulder from the seat beside me, "You're late."

"Wha-" I asked, only half listening to what she was saying, due to the fact that my thoughts were consuming me.

"Hurry the fuck up!" she shouted.

"Ow!" I yelled. Apparently, Rafaella had thought that it was a good idea to unexpectedly slap me in the face.

"You deserved that."

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