inspiration in the darkness-please read

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Inspiration in the darkness:

Not an update but I'd really love for EVERYONE to read this. I will be updating my story tomorrow x

I have around a 100 people messaging me about suicide ect. and I just want to say that I'll always be here for you. I care whether you're alive. You're all my friends. I love you all so much. Please keep on messaging me if you need to talk.

Believe me, I know what it's like. I've tried to leave this world already. I'm not saying that I'm glad I didn't succeed, because let's face it: I'm not glad. But I sincerely hope that one day it will all end and the rest of my life will be full of happiness. I'm not going to lie and say that the memories will go because we all know that's not the case. But we can all make it better for ourselves in the future.

At some point in your life, you will feel like giving up.

In this chapter, I want to give you all a bit of advice and quotes.

Here are some quotes of inspiration if you've ever (or are planning to):



-puke (bulimia)

- commit suicide

-cry yourself to sleep

-feel unwanted/ugly

-commit any form of self destruction.

-Feel any sort of sadness

1) Sir Winston Churchill

Never give in. Never. Never. Never. Never.If you're going through hell, keep going.

2) A Japanese proverb

Fall seven times, stand up eight.

3) Christopher Reeve

Once you choose hope, anything's possible.

4) Franklin D Roosevelt

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

5) Anonymous

People don't die because of suicide. They die because of sadness.

6) Ricky Maye

stars are the scars of the universe

7) Leila Sales

Throughout it all, you are still, always, you: beautiful and bruised, known and unknowable.

8) Emily Giffin

Hush little baby, Dont you cry, Dont cut your arms, Dont say goodbye. Put down that razor, Put down that light, It maybe hard but, You'll win this fight.

9) Kurt Cobain

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.

10) Niall Horan

Please don't kill yourself because I'm still looking for my princess.

Yeah this is slightly lame

11) Neymar Jr

Every winner has scars but almost nothing can stop a person with a positive attitude and clear goal.

12) Zayn Malik

Just because you have flaws, doesn't mean you're not beautiful.

13) Mitch Lucker

Keep listening to music because it gets you through everything, I promise.

14) Diana- One Direction

Diana, let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes.
You've been lonely, you don't even know me
But I can feel you crying
Diana, let me be the one to
Lift your heart up and save your life
I don't think you even realise
Baby you've been saving mine.

15) Bob Dylan

Inspiration is hard to come by. You take it where you get it.

16) Twenty One Pilots

I don't really have a specific lyric by them, but I really would recommend you to listen to their songs. They are absolutely amazing!

Ok, so that's all I can think of at the moment. However, there are a lot more on the Internet. Please search some up.

So I'm gonna give some advice on separate things.

Cutting- It's an addiction. You can't stop. I'm not joking. Maybe you can use a pen instead and write. It does give you temporary relief, but all it does is make you want to redo it.

And also, avoid posting pictures of cuts and depressing posts on social media because it is extremely triggering.

Anorexia/Bulimia- Honestly, size doesn't matter as long as you're healthy. And if you think you're not, maybe take up a fun sport? It also makes you very feeble. I do so many sports and I barely have any energy to do it because of no food. I ask myself this question every day: which is worse? Being hungry or knowing that you've eaten.

Of course I'm going to say that knowing I've eaten is worse. But think about a person in this world that you love and try doing it for them. If you are already a victim of bulimia, try eating a little and then gradually bringing the food intake up. You are beautiful and nobody has the right to say that you're not.

General unhappiness/depression- it will always get better I promise. Listen to inspirational music and also take deep breaths. Writing about your feelings may help. Also, avoid thinking about the situation. For example, I listen to music and watch cute interviews.

I will always understand and advice you on your problems, so please just DM me. I want to do something good in my life. I love you all and stay strong!


Abuse: If you are being abused, I suggest that you report it immediately. You can't let it carry on. Anyone who hurts you is not worth being a human being.

If you think that you'd feel embarrassed, think about the relief you'd have in the future without that person/people.

Parents/Carers shouting: Most of the time, parents shout for our own good. I've realised now that my mum, dad and two brothers have been my rock. They may appear to be annoying or even a little insulting, but they have your best interests at heart.

Obviously, if it an abusive parent, then that is not acceptable of course.

Bullying: Again, I think that you should report it. Bullying can be from simple insults to physical abuse. Whatever it is, it shouldn't be carried out because it can seriously wound people. Nobody has the right to make people feel like shit.

Loss of a loved one: I've lost a lot of people and it's hard of course. Unfortunately, that is life and we just have to continue on without them. Always keep them alive in your brain; that's the important thing. I hope you are doing well

I'm literally crying so hard while typing this haha.

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