thirty four

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An image of Huntington Beach above. When I went there it was so packed and I was dying of heatstroke. ^_^

• Niall


"Taraya!" I giggled, clutching my sister's arm tightly, "Let's go!"

"No Niall!" she shrieked, "Just a little while more."

We both were sat on the edge of the sand, paddling our pale feet in the dark sea, toes twitching with freedom.

At such a late time in the night, the weather in California was still warm and humid, so our family decided to go on a late night excursion to the famous Huntington Beach.

Even though it was approximately 11 o'clock and the sky was as dark as coal, the beach was still crowded with tourists like us, enjoying the sea. During the day, you could barely find a place to stand in this vast expanse of land, let alone actually sunbathe.

Well technically, we were currently moonbathing.

My parents and Greg sat a few metres away, watching us carefully and chatting lightheartedly to each other.

My thirteen year old self had never felt as relaxed as this moment in my life, spending quality time with my sister who I adored and staying in possibly one of the most popular holiday spots in the world.

Taraya herself was giggling and squealing quietly at the low temperature of the water.

"Niall?" she asked.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying to sound as mature as possible, but probably failing miserably.

"Don't all sea creatures go to the toilet in the water?"

"I suppose so."

"Then we're swimming in their poo!" she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

I myself had never thought of the ocean in such a light before, and so found myself warily glancing at the never ending expanse of water.

"I guess so!"

"But that's disgusting!" she wails.

"I know, but I'm sure the shi- I mean poo will have all been absorbed."

"Absorbed into what?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, "Ask mum or dad. Or Greg; he's actually clever."

"I'll ask later; they're talking about grown up stuff now."

I smiled and looked at my sister, who had now taken her feet out of the water and was now retrieving a book and torch from her backpack.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"Wuthering Heights," she said, "It's my favourite book."

"Can I take a look?"

"Sure." she handed the thick novel over and I weighed it with my hand, pretending to crumple from the mass.

The contrast between Taraya and I was staggering. From a young age, she seemed to constantly be attached to a certain book wherever she went, while I wouldn't be caught dead holding one. Unless I wrote an autobiography myself in the future, of course. But I sincerely doubt that I'd ever become famous enough for that.

Tarry didn't resemble me closely either. Obviously, we did share those bright blue eyes that deemed us as siblings from the opinions of strangers, but her's were of a higher intensity. They were so bright blue that you could almost feel yourself swimming in them. A lot of people thought that she wore contact lenses, but her eyes were just the enticing shade that she was born with. Then there was the fact that I had just began bleaching my hair blonde since a few months ago. My parents weren't exactly thrilled at the fact that I was enhancing my hair with harmful chemicals, but they thankfully allowed me due to my persistence and promises that I would not use an extreme amount of it.
Our personalities also majorly differed. I was the social and eccentric child of the family, always involved in any type of social event in Mullingar and with a ton of friends on MySpace and MSN.

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