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"I don't think you even realise, baby you've been saving mine"

Deafening applause and screams rang out after Harry had sung out the final phrase of the much renowned song 'Diana'. The crowd was a mess, filled with fans, all clutching each other with emotion. In the arena, we all were one. A family of people who depended on the five boys on stage to provide us with happiness. I myself, proudly seated backstage, wiped away the stray tears that had been shred during the song.

Attentively, I glanced back at the centre stage after noticing that my wonderful brother had begun to speak. A hush fell upon the arena, though a few people still shrieked loudly and held up their striking banners, on where several unholy sentences were painted in bright colours that you just couldn't miss.

"Alright, you Londoners," Niall began in his thick Irish accent that was so unlike mine,"It has been a pleasure to perform to you guys today at Wembley Stadium. Definitely one of the best shows this tour, especially since my beautiful little sister is here today."

I heard excited chants of my name being called.

"Well, why don't we bring her up? We haven't seen her in ages. What do you think, audience?" Louis asked.

The audience errupted into a chorus of approval and applause. Immediately, my face began to heat up due to both nervousness and excitement.

What if I have a breakdown?

Go on, do it for Nialler. Show how far you've come.

After taking a deep breath in attempt of calming myself down, I nervously ascended the steps that led to the enormous stage. My legs felt as though they had been carved out of jelly and my heart beat erratically, almost like I was about to endure a cardiac arrest.
As I finally reached the top, I saw the world from my brother's point of view. A hundred thousand pairs of eyes were trained on me, eagerly awaiting my arrival, all in various stages of being in hysterics.

Then I saw him, the man who shared my flesh and blood. The man would almost do anything for me. The man who I had not seen in six months.

There he stood, living the life he so deserved with his four equally talented bandmates who thought of me as their own sister. All of them, including the band, looked exhilarated to see me.

Without hesitating, I ran straight to Niall and launched myself into his open arms, almost knocking him off his feet. His electric guitar dug awkwardly into my abdomen, which would undoubtedly cause bruising, but I didn't care. All I cared for was this perfect reunion.

"I missed you so much bubby!" I mumbled against his neck, breathing in that smell of Armani Diamonds that I had grown accustomed to over the past few years. I would usually crinkle my nose in disgust at the perfume due to my immense hatred of Armani, but this time, I breathed it in gratefully.

The crowd was at an uproar, witnessing our exchange of greetings.

He chuckled lightly, then said, "I missed you too Tarry. I can't believe its been six whole months. I worry about you so."

I frowned, "You know I'll be fine."

"Yes," was his curt reply, but his intonation seemed to be hinting otherwise.

I attacked everyone on stage with bone crushing hugs, bounding with excitement and enthusiasm.

"Why don't you wait backstage again?" Liam mumbled quietly into my ear so only I could hear the words, "We'll come and get you as soon as we finish, then we can hang out! I truly missed you babe."

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