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Due to wattpad being a bitch, my chapter didn't show up yesterday so I am forced to write it again. I am truly sorry.


Over the next two weeks, I had realised something that was rather irritating, and was plotting ideas on how to overcome the situation.

A knock at the door interrupted me.

"Come inside," I mumbled.

Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael barged inside. They had arrived a week ago, to Taraya's utmost delight.

"Ney," they yelled.

"Can you lot stop talking in unison?" I shouted, "It scares me!"

"Good," said Calum, "That's precisely what we were aiming for."

"I hate you!" I said (obviously not meaning it)

"Aww love you too, sweetheart!" Ashton replied sweetly.

"Anyway," Luke said, separating the syllables, "What are you up to?"

"And do help me pick a colour to dye my hair," Mikey requested.

"I am clearly up to nothing. You sound like a whiney teenage girl Michael!"

"Who knows? Maybe I am secretly one," he winked, "Now answer the damn question."

"It wouldn't surprise me," I joked, "Try dying your hair either blue or red. They're my favourites and coincidentally the Barça colours too!"

"I will take your recommendation into consideration. The red does sound tempting. Thanks mate!" He cried.

"Happy to help," I chirped.

An intruder walked into the room.

"Really Neymar? You sound like the annoying woman on the Tesco commercial!"

I didn't have to look up to identify that the melodic voice belonged to Taraya.

"What's Tesco?" we all inquired.

"Tesco is one of the most successful yet mist disliked British supermarkets in the world." She informed.

"The one with the horse meat scandal?" Luke asked.


I glanced up from my phone to look at the five people who were currently seated on the bed, then involuntarily let out a cry of shock.

"Taraya!" I gasped, "What in God's name has happened to your hair?"

Her lusciously smooth brown hair was now coloured lilac! Admittedly, it did look rather sexy.

Sometimes you need a filter on your perverted brain, Neymar.

I mentally slapped myself.

"Calum thought it would be funny to empty lilac hair dye into my shampoo bottle," she moaned.

Laughter filled the room.

"Don't worry, it suits you. What was Niall's reaction?"

"Thanks! The other boys were rather annoyed but nobody can remain angry at Cal for long. His Asian charm prevents that. Plus, the dye will come out in 2-3 days, so who cares?"

Sometimes I wondered why everybody was so fiercely protective over this girl.

"I'm NOT Asian!" Calum protested.

Calum hated being called Asian, as people frequently incorrectly interpreted him to be one.

"To us, you always will be!" we retorted.

Enamoured《 Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now