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Singapore was a wonderfully cosmopolitan place, full of people from different cultures.

The buildings were impressively urban.

Taraya, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Diego and I decided to go shopping the night before our match against Japan. Retail therapy genuinely did make you feel relaxed!

I had been observing Taraya almost obsessively. I wanted to protect her from that daunting murderer that wanted her dead (whoever they were). As much as I'd like to deny it, I texted anonymous whenever I was around Taraya, trying to gather some evidence that they were the same person.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain. Either she had learnt her lesson and remembered to put her phone on silent, or I was just dramatising matters like usual.

I wasn't about to give up though. You never know when it comes to women!

"Ney," Liam waved his hand in front of my distracted face, "Come back to Earth mate!"

I mumbled a quick apology, then walked into a gigantic shopping mall with the others.

"So here's the plan," Zayn said authorotively, "We all should split up into pairs and shop. At precisely ten o'clock,  we will meet up near the ground floor toilets at this end of the court. Capische?"

We all nodded in assent.

"Liam and Zayn, you can go together. Taraya and Neymar, you can be paired. Look after her Ney." Louis ordered.

"Of course," I lightly patted Tarry on the back, "You have my word."

"Good," Liam said, "Text Niall every now and then as well. He gets worried easily."

"Is it fine if I pair myself with you Diego?" Louis asked, "I have a lot to talk to you about regarding football."

"Sure!" Tardelli agreed, "Same here. We're going to have a great time!"

The two men high-fived each other.

We then parted ways and I turned to face Taraya.

"So I guess you're stuck with me, eh?" she laughed.

"Yup!" I replied,  "And I sure am looking forward to it!"

We walked around silently. She seemed to be deep in thought and I was frightened that I might unintentionally confront her about my theories.

"Ney?" she finally asked.

"Yes baby?"

"I have something for you."

She took out three packages from her backpack.

"For me?" I asked, astounded.

"Of course. I wanted to thank you for your hospitality."

"It's my pleasure! Thank you!"

She placed the presents in my hand and I unwrapped them eagerly. The first consisted of a miniature cuddly toy version of me wearing my Brazil shirt. It looked extremely realistic and by instinct, I hugged it to my chest.

The second present was an iPhone 6 plus case with a wonderful picture of Rio De Janeiro and adorning Swarovski crystals of the Brazilian colours.

Lastly, I unwrapped a decorated book. It didn't have a title. I opened it curiously, to read "Why Neymar Jr Is Amazing" written in Taraya's neat script.

I couldn't help but notice the similarities between her and anonymous' handwriting.

Underneath were pages and pages of compliments about me, many of which brought tears to my eyes. I made a vow to continue reading tonight.

"Oh Taraya!" I gasped, hugging her tightly, "Thanks ever so much!"

"No problem!" she said, beaming.

"I must buy you something too!" I insisted.

Despite her protests, I secretly bought her a magnificent notebook encrusted with real diamonds that I was planning to present to her later.

Soon enough,  ten o'clock arrived and we rushed down to our meeting place. The others stood there waiting with their necessities.

For dinner, we chose to eat at the restaurant Wasabi by Taraya's appointment. Apparently it was an excellent Sushi bar in London. She was right. The food was  simply delicious!

It was midnight by the time we finally arrived at the rented mansion.

Everyone had gone to bed early due to the match tomorrow, and I decided to do the same.

After reading the book Tarry gave me and skyping with Davi (who was back in Barcelona with his mother), fatigue overwhelmed me and I drifted into a dreamless sleep.



Neymar was lightning on his feet. There was no stopping him; he simply seemed to destroy the Japanese defence.

I sat among the spectators, cheering along for the men in yellow and green that I knew so well. One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer were next to me, applauding with just as much enthusiasm.

Every Brazilian player was fully focused and I marveled at their superiority. The chemistry between the players was remarkable and they knew each other so well. They were several parts of one being.

The end result was 4-0 (Neymar scoring them all). The pride and happiness on his face made my heart swell in affection.

"That was smashing!" Niall cried.

"You'll have a lot to congratulate your boyfriend on," Harry smirked.

Both Niall and I gave him a deadly death glare. It was a Horan speciality!

"I'm warning you Styles," Niall growled.

"Easy there tiger!" Harry said, switching to his childish demeanour that nobody could resist adoring.

At the end, we got up to leave, when I finally realised that there was something on my seat. It was a scrunched up piece of paper. Ignoring my protests, I opened it up.


I'll always know where you are.


I let out an unnatural gasp of horror.

A/N I finished the chapter!  I truly hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment.

I updated early because I really needed a distraction and I want to keep you guys happy.

Brazil won against Japan. Neymar scored all 4 goals. I was watching it during school. Thank God it was on during lunch break! I was screaming!

I hope all of you are ok and will stay strong. I ship you with your fave celeb (unless it's Neymar)!


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