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Our time together rapidly flew away, and so I found myself standing solemnly by the door a week later, preparing to wave goodbye to Liam, Zayn and Louis, who would be departing for two weeks to visit their own family and friends. Harry would join Niall and I on our vacation to Barcelona (as he had visited Anne, Gemma and Des already), an ordeal that was unfortunately getting uncomfortably closer after each passing day and was primarily the cause of all my stress and concern for the past week.

I hugged each of the boys tightly.

"It'll only be two weeks before we join you baby," Liam said consolingly.

"Don't cry Tarry," Zayn rubbed my back.

I didn't even notice the perspiration leaking from my eyes. And I had chosen today as the day to wear a bit of mascara and eyeliner! Things like this always seemed to happen to me. I was a magnet for misfortune!

"I'll be back before you know it sweetie," Louis said.

"Guys I'm not upset! Seriously, I'm fine. Go have fun! Say hi to El, Sophia and Perrie from me. Louis and Zayn, don't go off smoking weed anywhere!"

The two boys glared at me and I suppressed a giggle, "Just kidding. Also say hello to all your families from me as well. OH AND LETS TAKE A GROUP SELFIE!"

We bundled together and made silly faces at my iPhone camera. I decided to log onto Instagram and upload it. I had a good amount of followers (9 million) as I was related to Niall and also had a successful YouTube channel. Weird huh? I could act all goofy and outgoing in front of a camera but transformed into a timid,awkward person while interacting with people face-to-face.

The likes and comments began flooding in, but one notification caught my eye: neymarjr liked your photo.

Soon after that, the lads took off, all going to their different locations.

My phone buzzed and I had a Google Alert.

About Neymar!

"FC Barcelona forward Neymar Jr, 22, has sprained his ankle. Earlier in training, he claimed to have a stinging pain in his ankle which gradually increased. Upon closer investigation by the team's doctors, it was confirmed that Da Silva had a Grade 1 ankle sprain. He is most likely to miss the Barcelona opener against Elche."

That poor thing! He's always getting himself injured. I decided to quickly text him.

To: N

Hi Ney,

I heard about your ankle sprain! How are you coping? I'll be thinking of you.



What is it with that kid always getting himself injured?

My phone vibrated violently.

From: Nialley-Poo

Get yo ass upstairs right now.

~Your favourite person in the universe

Sometimes this boy aggravated me.

I ran up the windy marble staircase. It was like a flipping workout! I was wheezing like a seal when I got to the top.

"WHAT?" I asked, bursting into my brother's room. It reeked of Lynx and aftershave.

"I see you've got my message." Niall commented.

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