twenty eight

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"Tarry!" They yell as I approach them happily.

"Dre, Moll, Troy, Sniper!" I greet.

"You forgot me," Cal snarles.

"Sorry Cal! How are you?" I'm still quite wary of the man. He has a flaming temper and could be provoked from the simplest of matters. It was unbelievable how many times everyone has had to restrain him from attacking me.

Cal, as per usual, ignores my question.

"Anyway," Dre says, breaking the dense silence, "How is everything kiddo?"

I pout, "I'm seventeen! I'm not a child."

"I don't care how old you are," he laughs.

I whip out a cigarette packet from my coat pocket while Molly hands me a lighter. Lighting it up, I put it to my lips, inhaling the deep pumes.

"You're sucking the life out of that thing," Sniper noted.

I just shrug lightly, dismissing the subject. Dre, however, has other ideas.

"Taraya,"  he scolds,"We all know that it is my fault for dragging you into this type of life, but it's a dangerous world out there. I don't want anyone to hurt you, including a wretched ciggie. Just think about it."

Cal snorts noisily in the corner, "Then why did we drag her into this shit?"

He does have a very good point.

"I didn't realise how attached we'd get to you," Troy explained, "You're like a little sister to us now."


"Anyway," Molly interrupted, "What did you see?"

I clear my throat and speak in a business manner, "They said something about having discovered the weakness in your group, and that they were going to destroy it mercilessly."

Everyone around me freezes in alarm. Even Cal, who never shows anything the slightest bit of concern, looks distressed. I, not catching on, just stare at them questioningly.

"Tarry, do you mind if we all step aside for a moment? Just wait there for a moment." Sniper requests nervously.

"Sure, of course!" I consent.

After covertly whispering into each others' ears, the group return, looking oddly in pain and sickly.

"Anything wrong guys?" I ask innocently.

I glance at Molly, who looks as if she would throw up any minute.

"Taraya," Dre began, "We want you to stay away from us."


"Not forever, but for at least the next month or so. It's for the best."

"But why?"

"You're in danger,"  Cal says, solemn for the first time.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it," Troy sighs, hugging me. I stare into his eyes and notice something that I have never witnessed before. He almost looks like he likes me.

Does he have feelings for me? The mere thought sends tingling shivers down my spine.

"But who are the people that keep me strong and? Who are the people that cheer me up and make me forget my harsh reality?"

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